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Q: What first identified capturing data at the point of care as a key criterion for an EHR?
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What s a reference point?

basis or standard for evaluation, assessment, or comparison; a criterion.

Identified by latitude and longitude?

A point on the earth is identified by its latitudinal and longitudinal position.

Is base a preposition?

No, it is not. It can be a noun (foundation, or alkali substance) or a verb (to establish as a criterion or starting point).

What is the point of Talon Isle on HorseIsle?

There is no point to it, it is just another small isle that is used for quests and horse capturing.

What is the Ending point of a vector?

Vectors are identified by magnitude, or the length of the line, and direction, represented by the arrowhead pointing toward the terminal point. The position vector has an initial point at (0,0) and is identified by its terminal point ⟨a,b⟩.

Do samples with same volume melting point and shape have same composition?

The volume and shape are not important for the chemical composition; the melting point can be a serious indication but it is not an absolute criterion.

What is the name for specific sources of pollution that can be identified?

Point sources.

How can you identify first person point of veiw by five pronouns?

First person point of view is identified by pronouns such as "I," "we," "me," "us," and "my." These pronouns indicate that the narrator is directly involved in the story and is relaying their own experiences and thoughts.

How do you capture in league of legends crystal scar?

Right click the capture point turrets to begin capturing them.

Why is latitude always given first?

It isn't. The coordinates of a point may be given in either order, as long as it's clearly identified which one is latitude and which one is longitude.

Where does argon rank?

The answer depends on what criterion is used for ranking: atomic number, atomic size, atomic mass, electro-positivity or negativity, boiling point, melting point, density at normal temperature and pressure, etc.

What is the abscissa in the point -34?

The abscissa occurs in a point whose location is identified by an ordered pair. The question refers to a single number: -34.