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Q: What equipment is used to facsilitate breathing during serious breathing problems?
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What if your African grey has problems breathing?

Take it to the Vet. ASAP. Respiratory problems are very serious in birds.

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they may get into equipment and cause serious problems

Does a broken rib lead to breathing problems?

Yes, a broken rib can lead to breathing problems because the pain and limited motion caused by the injury can make it difficult to take deep breaths. In severe cases, a broken rib can puncture a lung, which can cause more serious breathing issues. It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have a broken rib to prevent complications.

Can wheezing be a serious problem?

Breathing problems can be life-threatening. Immediate medical attention is required whenever an individual:

Why is the development of myopathy of the breathing muscles serious?

Myopathy of the breathing muscles is serious as there may be serious breathing difficulties and increased risk for pneumonia, flu, and other respiratory infections.

Is asbestos exposure harmful to pets?

Yes it is because it can lead to serious health issues in animals including, cancer and breathing problems.

Every time that you take medicine you have trouble breathing?

You need to contact your physician as soon as possible, immediately if at all possible, and tell them you are having this problem. It may or may not be serious, but breathing problems should always be taken seriously, because there is no way to know if they are serious or not until your physician diagnoses it.

Do puppies breathe fast after they eat?

Breathing problems in puppies are not always serious, but they do need to be identified. Breathing problems can generally be identified by a dog taking more then 60 breaths per minute, panting that does not seem to align with activity level, or labored breathing. These could all be signs that your puppy has a breathing problem, serious or otherwise.TypesThe most common breathing problem in puppies is obstruction of the airway. This is often caused by puppies chewing on things that they shouldn't necessarily have. The result is that something may become lodged in their airway and cause them to have difficulty breathing. Other puppies may have breathing problems associated with their anatomy. Dogs with the squished or pug looking face will generally have more labored breathing after exercise. This should subside within 30 minutes after exercise.There also are viruses and bacteria that can cause breathing problems in your puppy. The Bordetella bacteria is the most common cause for kennel cough, which is most likely to strike dogs that are in groups in settings such as shows or kennels. Strep throat and infections of the airways also can cause breathing problems.It's important to take note of how long these problems last as breathing problems may also be the result of broken ribs, congestive heart failure or even abnormal growths in the airway or the lungs.SymptomsThere are different types of breathing problems and each is unique to the puppy and its environment and heredity. It's important to note that while one dog may present with coughing when he or she has tonsillitis, another may present the same way with congestive heart failure. Pay attention to these potential symptoms: --- Constant panting--- Rapid breathing of more than 60 breaths per minute--- Labored breathing--- Coughing that does not subside--- Less than 25 breaths per minute for long periods of time--- Discharge from the noseTime FrameBreathing problems in puppies will often resolve on their own, but you should keep a close eye on any puppy that is exhibiting any signs of breathing problems. A dog that suffers from breathing problems for more than 24 hours, despite behaving normally otherwise, should be seen by a veterinarian. If the puppy seems to be in pain or is non-responsive it should be taken to a vet immediately. RisksRisks associated with breathing problems are vast if they are not responded to in a timely manner. While some breathing problems will resolve on their own, serious ones need to be treated with antibiotics or through surgery if an obstruction or growth is the cause of the breathing problems. If in doubt, it's better to seek treatment.

Is a rabbit lying on its side serious?

Is it breathing? What happens when you touch it?

What does the medical term RSV refer to?

The medical term RSV refers to Respiratory Syncytial Virus. It is a virus that can cause fairly minor breathing problems for adults but can be very serious for young children.

Why don't four deep breaths drain your anger?

Breathing deeply helps, but it isn't magic. If you have a very serious reason to be angry, or if you have a very serious problem in controlling your emotions (or both) then breathing may not be enough. True anger management requires more. It requires you to look for more productive solutions than getting angry or violent. It requires you to understand your own role in creating whatever problem it is that you are angry about. It requires you to alter your habits of thought. Serious problems require serious solutions.

Does breathing car exhaust lead to a serious health risk for motorcycle riders?

Serious health risk? No. You are riding along leaving the emissions far behind and not breathing the fumes. In stop-and-go city driving there is more of a risk, but not a serious risk.