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It may be due to collection of fluid- seroma or pus if infected. It can also mean that the hernia has recurred again.

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Q: What does it mean if you have a lump on your belly button after having an umbilical hernia surgery?
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Related questions

Is incarcerated umbilical hernia a infectious disease?

Incarcerated umbilical hernia is not infectious as the condition is not in anyway triggered by infection-bearing microorganism. This condition is a malformation anomaly which can be corrected with surgery.

Can you still get pregnant after having an umbilical hernia repair surgery?

I have just had that same surgery and my surgeon reccomended 2 years mine was repaired with mesh so it would be rare to re-herniate

My dog has a soft lump on her stomach that kind of looks like a hernia?

if your dog is uncomfortable and hurts the dog take the dog to the vets they will tell you if it is a hernia or not. The most common hernia is located at the umbilical area and is called an umbilical hernia if it is he/she might need surgery and it is common with puppy's

Is surgery the only option for treating umbilical hernia post pregnancy or is there any natural cure or remedy to it?

There is only a palliative treatment of umblical hernia in homeopathy. Sooner or later you have to resort to surgery.

What do you call the things that the dr have to cut out of your bellybotton?

Those are called "umbilical hernias." They occur when tissue or organs push through the abdominal wall near the belly button, causing a bulge or lump. Surgery may be required to repair an umbilical hernia.

How much will a horse's hernia surgery cost?

The cost of hernia surgery for a horse can vary widely depending on the type and severity of the hernia, the location of the hernia, and the specific clinic or veterinarian performing the surgery. Generally, the cost can range from $1,000 to $5,000 or more. It is best to consult with a veterinarian for a more accurate estimate based on the individual case.

What does having an epigastric hernia mean?

This is a hernia that occurs in the upper, central part of your abdomen between your belly button and chest. It's usually caused by obesity or pregnancy and can usually be corrected with surgery.

Can an umbilical hernia be opreated twice?

Can you get an umbilical hernia twice? I had an umbilical hernia 29 years ago when I was pregnant with my son. It was repaired at the time but now I feel the same type of pain and wondered if I have another hernia.

Will my outtie belly button return to it's original innie position after umbilical hernia repair?

Yes it will return to normal. My husband had the surgery and his was back as a innie immediately after the swelling went down. Good as new.

Is repairing an umbilical hernia optional?

Repair of an umbilical hernia in an adult is usually considered elective surgery . The patient's surgeon may recommend the procedure, however, on the grounds that hernias in adults do not close by themselves and tend to grow larger over time.

How serious is surgery to repair an abdominal hernia with 5 holes?

I recently had surgery in July to repair an umbilical hernia only to be rushed to the hospital in October to repair 3 additional hernia's (holes). They wouldn't let me leave the hospital without the procedure. I assumed this was serious.

Umbilical Hernia Repair.....Adult male..Do for Lapr surgery next week.If he finds 2 hernias or tears will it affect the procedure or success rate?

Yes, as for the umbilical hernia repair, the hernias or tears found is able to affect the success rate of the procedure.