It's only called ambulance. there is no such word in Hindi
To create dialogue, you must use quote marks around the part that is spoken. "Call an ambulance!" the woman yelled. I asked, "Is the ambulance on the way?" "I called an ambulance," the son told his ill mother.
une ambulance sounds like: ah[n]-bew-lah[n]ss (the [n] indicates a nasal vowel)
A Co-Worker at his hime
No, unless if it was called for no reason, then you would have to pay
The "thing" on guys wallets are called emblems.
The car in the movie was called the Ectomobile or Ecto-1. The car they used was a 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor and was commonly used as a limo, hearse or ambulance. The Ecto was a customized ambulance version.
Ambulance is called रूग्णवाहिका (Rughan-vahika) in Marathi.
The bill for all expenses goes to the person who is admitted to the hospital.
Guys don't like guys...that is called homosexuality and it isn't normal.