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Laparoscopic gastric bypass is less invasive than an open gastric bypass because the latter involves a long incision across the abdomen so the surgeon can actually perform the procedure. The former relies on several smaller cuts and a camera to guide the surgeon.

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Q: Is laporscopic gastric bypass less invasive than gastric bypass?
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Is gastric band better than gastric bypass surgery?

Gastric band and gastric bypass surgeries both do the same thing: They promote rapid weight loss. However, gastric band is less invasive and requires less recovery time. On the other hand, gastric bypass surgery is has an associated greater weight loss amount, but with far greater side effects.

What are the most common weight loss procedures?

The most common weight loss procedures that come to mind are gastric bypass surgery and the lap band surgery. Gastric bypass is much more invasive and the lap band surgery is becoming increasingly popular because it is much less invasive.

What is Mini Gastric Bypass?

Mini gastric bypass surgery is less invasive than traditional gastric bypass surgery. By using a laparoscope, the surgeon does not have to make any large incisions in the abdomen thus lowering the risk of large surgical scars or hernia. The procedure also differs from other gastric bypass procedures in significant ways. As opposed to the popular Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure, which staples the stomach to create a small pouch after which a Y-shaped section of the small intestine is then attached to allow food to bypass the lower stomach and first part of the small intestine, the mini gastric bypass is a newer and somewhat simpler procedure. The stomach is similarly stapled but instead of a small pouch, it is formed into a narrow tube, which is then attached directly to the small intestine about six feet from its starting point, thus also bypassing the initial highly absorptive section. The benefits of Mini gastric bypass surgery are a shorter, less invasive operation and quicker recovery time. Like traditional gastric bypass surgery, mini gastric bypass surgery is only for the morbidly obese who have not been able to lose and maintain weight loss after significant efforts at lifestyle change in the form of diet and exercise.

The Benefits of Mini Gastric Bypass?

The mini gastric bypass is a new procedure that was developed in 1997, as a modified form of the gastric bypass surgery. This bariatric weight loss procedure involves reducing your stomach's size by circumventing parts of the small intestine, resulting in a gastric pouch. Mini gastric bypass is a simpler, shorter and less invasive operation, which is done laparoscopically. It offers benefits, including reduced hospitalization time, less pain, lower surgical risks as well as lower costs. Notwithstanding the advantages of mini gastric bypass, there are risks and side effects involved, including blood clots, stomach leaking, bowel blockages and mineral deficiencies.

How much does a mini gastric bypass cost?

The mini gastric bypass cost is 60% less than the typical gastric bypass, so the cost is between $7,000 - $9,000 only.

What is the surgery called mini gastric bypass?

The MGB is a simpler version of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The MGB is less invasive, takes about 30 minutes, and decreases the size of the stomach while by passing a portion of the small intestine (where food/nutrients/calories are absorbed). Details of the various procedures are here:

What are the new gastric bypass surgery options?

Another option, the MiniGastric Bypass, or MGB, has been added to the menu. It's a modified version of the Roux-en-Y and is done laparoscopically in a much less invasive procedure that takes about 30 minutes. Read about the options here:

I hear there are two types of gastric bypass surgery. What are they and what is the difference?

There are in fact two types. There is the regular gastric bypass and there is also a mini-gastric bypass. The mini procedure is used when less weight needs to be lost.

Where can I find info on mini gastric bypass online?

Mini bypass surgery is less invasive than regular bypass surgery. It usually takes under an hour and requires only a 24 hour hospital stay. gives more info.

What is gastric bypass surgeons ontario ?

Ontario Health Insurance Plan covers for the gastric bypass surgery. Gastric bypass surgery is a procedure to help weight lost. There are cuts made in your stomach, to make it smaller so you will eat less.

Where can I find info on cost gastric bypass online?

The cost of gastric bypass can run over $10,000, but just think of all the money you will be saving from eating less food!

How effective is a stomach balloon for weight loss?

The stomach balloon procedure has not been approved by the FDA, so there are more risks than with gastric bypass. With that said the stomach balloon procedure is said to be less invasive.