normal pH of sweat is between 4.3 to 4.7
Yes, it is normal. It also depends on the genes that is passed to you from your parents or relatives. Genes are traits that are passed on from parents to offspring as units of information is called "genes"
yes it is normal
Yes, your whole body has many sweat glands
you lose it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a lot because it's sweat
Normal sweat should not bother it but the sweat from high body temperatures will. If your body temp gets 104+, you can literally sweat out a new tattoo... There will be some ink left but it wont be purty..And if you are sweating a lot, perhaps you are in direct sunlight which can be very damaging to a new tattoo. Hope this helps..
It is not abnormal to sweat when walking upstairs. If it is hot, it would be normal to sweat. Some people sweat more than others. However, it could also be a sign of a lack of physical fitness or being overweight.
You sweat a lot.
You sweat a lot.
IT IS normal for an 11 to sweat because her Harmon change while she is going through puberty