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Hand gestures, music, drawings, color codes, cards, etc.

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Q: In what ways can you communicate with patients other than direct speech?
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Who do nurses with?

Nurses work with doctors and patients. They use computers to keep patients' records and communicate with other health professionals.

Direct speech act and its examples?

A direct speech act is when the speaker's intention is clear and explicit in their utterance. For example, "Please pass the salt" is a direct speech act where the speaker is asking the listener to pass the salt. Other examples include "Close the door," "Would you like some tea?" and "I need your help."

How does communication differ from speech?

Communication is the process of conveying information between two or more people. Speech is one method of communicating. There are numerous other methods, including ASL (American Sign Language), music, smoke signals, etc. Communication differs from speech in many ways, people who are unable to speak may communicate using sign-language or they may write what they want to communicate on paper or a computer. There are so many other ways for people to communicate without using speech such as Morse code, smoke-signals, body-language, hand and head gestures and lip-reading to name but a few. Communication does not happen just between people though and believe it or not many of our appliances actually communicate too such as those that communicate using Wi-fi and infra-red. Animals also communicate with each other without the need of speech as do plants...the difference between communication and speech is huge.

Could human speech have been the invention of a single person?

No. Human speech developed so people could communicate with each other. Thus, it required feedback. People had to speak to each other.

What made god create speech?

God created speech so that people could communicate with each other and to express there emotions........its like when you keep beeping your horn at someone because your angry

A figure of speech that makes a direct comparison between two things stating that one thing is the same as the other is known as a n?

A simile is a figure of speech that makes a direct comparison between two things starting that one thing is the same as the other.

How do Arabs communicate?

Knowing that Arabs are normal people , they do communicate by speech , that means by speaking to each other using their mouths.

Do insects talk with each other?

no Yes, but not with speech. For example, honey bees do an elaborate dance to communicate where the best flowers for pollen are located to their hivemates.

How is speech therapy relevant to Alzheimer's disease?

speech therapy not only deals with speech but with other cognitive functions. thought processing and memory are affected in Alzheimer's and speech therapists provide exercises and opportunities for Alzheimer's patients to utilize these 2 functions.

How do you change indirect speech into direct speech?

To change indirect speech into direct speech, you need to quote the exact words spoken. For example, "She said she was happy" (indirect speech) can be changed to direct speech as "She said, 'I am happy'." Remember to adjust pronouns, verb tenses, and other elements to match the direct speech format.

What are the several tools that writers can use for characterization?

speech, actions, direct characterization, private thoughts, opinions of other characters, and appearance.

How has technology changed the way people communicate?

Any communication other than by direct face to face contact requires the use of technology. Writing is one early technology that allowed people to communicate at a distance.