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a unit of blood is 500 cc,

you go into shock after losing 2 and you die after 3 or 4.


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Q: If you lost 400 units of blood what would that mean?
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What do you mean to have lost blood?


How many units is there in one pint?

We cannot answer because we don't know what units you are talking about -- do you mean quarts, units of blood, units of insulin ... what? Please rewrite the question to say what units you want to know about.

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I would say that the lost of computers would be devastating. The lost of drugs would mean no medicine.

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If you mean what units, that would be meters.

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The same units as the mean itself. If the units of the mean, are, for example miles; then the error units are miles.

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You had two tiny drops of blood in your urine does this mean you are not virgin?

If there is any blood in your urine you should seek medical advice. And No it does not mean that you have lost your virginity. It means that you may have a problem with your urethra. Hope that helps ~Taylor

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If you mean light that escapes from poorly directed lighting units, and so is not useful to us, it gets absorbed in surrounding structures, vegetation, trees, etc, and ultimately in dust in the atmosphere.

What measures electrical energy?

If you mean units, the SI unit is the joule. If you mean a device to measure, that would be an electricity meter.

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You are getting ready to have your baby!

What does 5 score mean?

A score is equal to 20 units, so 5 scores would be 100 units in total.