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If the testator is still living then you haven't "been left a house" yet. You will only inherit it after the death of the testator and IF it is still in their estate.

When a person dies their estate must be probated through the probate court. The court will appoint an executor and the debts of the decedent must be paid before any property can be distributed to the heirs. If the decedent owes money for medical care the facility can file a claim for any money due. If the state provides medical assistance, the state can file a claim against the estate.

All of the above is the reason more affluent and sophisticated people do "estate planning" and transfer their property to trusts drafted by trust attorneys. When they die they don't "own" any property and it will pass to their heirs from the trust free and clear.

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Q: If I've been left a house in a will do you have to sell it if they go into a care home?
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