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Q: How many years does HIPPA require health organizations to keep documents?
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HIPAA requires health organizations to retain a broad range of documentation for how many years from the date the document was first created or from the date that the document was last in effect?

HIPPA requires health organizations to retain documentation for at least 6 years.

Is the HIPPA law a federal law?

HIPAA provides a uniform set of guidelines that apply to all providers and organizations. HIPAA requirements are not affected by state boundaries.

What is the link between patient rights and HIPPA?

HIPPA is the health insurance portability and protection act. Basically, if you change or lose your job, your health insurance plan is protected by HIPPA. You also do not need to explain pre-existing health issues to a new employer under HIPPA. That is the portability function of the act. Obviously, you have patient rights and HIPPA will cover them while you are in between jobs.

What must be signed and obtained in order to disclose prtected health information?

HIPPA is a law that protects all health care information Advance directive are documents written while a person is still able to make decisions

What federal laws resulted in the new privacy regulations for healthcare organizations?


What does title 1 of HIPPA cover?

HIPAA Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act To protect patients privacy and/or health info.

Federal protection for the privacy of personal health information?


What is hippa law?

HIPPA stands for Health Information Privacy and Portability Act HIPPA basically says that your health information can't be shared with anyone without your written consent or permission (except in the case of a court order). HIPPA also gives you the right to get copies of your medical records from your doctor.

What does HIPPA stand for?

HIPAA: health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

What is the difference between Hipaa and Hippa?

HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; HIPPA has no meaning and is a misspelling, albeit a common one.

What did HIPPA broaden the definition of personally identifiable information PII to include?

HIPPA broadened the definition of personally identifiable information to include Health Information.

For the health care industry the includes regulations to secure patient data that apply to all health care companies and professionals?
