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About 3000 people wake up it really affects your health

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Q: How many people wake up during surgery per year?
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Can you sue a dr if you wake up during surgery?

Anaesthesia awareness. It is a very very rare occurrence.

Can you please tell me during what surgery is the stagnara wake up test most commonly used?

The Stagnara Wake Up Test is most commonly used during spinal surgeries, particularly procedures involving correction of spinal deformities or fusion. It is performed to ensure that the spinal cord and nerves are not compromised during the surgery by monitoring neurological function while the patient is waking up from anesthesia.

Why are people loopy after surgery?

because they have been dreaming of loopy things....therefore, they wake up loopy. your so stupid

What is the aftercare for liver transplantation?

Following surgery, the patient will wake up in the surgical intensive care unit (SICU). During this time, a tube will be inserted into the windpipe

Why don't I wake up during earthquakes?

Usually when the mind and body is asleep many people are usually passed by the events like the earth quakes.

How bad is Pain associated with liposuction?

"Liposuction is not painful during the surgery because you will be under anesthesia. However when you wake up, you will be very sore because they were jabbing a hose in your insides over and over."

What is a sentence using wake as a noun and a verb?

If I fall asleep during your uncle's wake, please wake me up.

How do you use in the wake of in a sentence?

In the wake of the tsunami in Southeast Asia in 2004, many people donated money and first aid supplies to the survivors.

How many people live in an island called Wake?

Wake Island is a 2.5 square mile island in the Pacific Ocean with a population of approximately 2,100.

What is the percentage of people that wake up from a coma?

It is said that 87% percent of people in a comatose state will wake up. The time that it will take for the people to wake up is uncertain.

How does methadone effect anesthesia?

I was the first to go in for surgery (on 90mls of Methadone) & the last to wake up after. I was asleep an extra 4hrs after the last guy to wake who went in as the 4th patient.

Can you wake a bear during its hibernation?
