The amount of weight lost after gastric bypass surgery appears to vary widely. From what I read, it most depends on how dedicated the patient is to following a proper diet and exercise following the surgery. Your doctor could gtell you if the surgery is right for you!
How long does it take to lose 100 pounds after gastric bypass surgery is a question only a person having the surgery or a doctor could answer correctly.
Renee Williams was the heaviest person to have a gastric bypass. She had a gastric bypass at the age pf 29 with a weight of 880 lbs.
If you're extremely overweight and your doctor has suggested a gastric bypass, it may be worth looking into the gastric bypass sleeve surgery first. A sleeve will let your doctor start with a safer operation to help you loose enough weight to make a traditional gastric bypass a safer procedure. With a gastric sleeve, the left portion of your stomach is removed to create a smaller shape that will let you lose the first 100 lbs. or so of weight. Once you've got that weight off, your bariatric surgeon can perform the gastric bypass operation that will help you lose the rest.
You must be at least 100 lbs. overweight to be considered for a gastric bypass surgery.
not a person having gastric bypass you probably have more than 100 pounds to lose, a human body can not have skin stretched that much and then shrink can firm & tighten all you want, but it is impossible to get it looking "normal".....almost all gastric bypass patients live with lose skin or pay to have it removed (generally a procedure not covered by insurance companies & typically runs about $1000 per lb of skin removed & the average is between 20 - 30 lbs)
Gastric Bypass Surgery is for individuals such as myself weighing over 100 lbs and having BMI Body Muscle Index of >40 %. This is the guideline I believe for most bariatric surgeon's.
"Shrinking" your stomach isn't the answer. I'd you think about it, that was the intent of having a gastric bypass. I had my bypass over ten years ago. I initially lost over 100 lbs only to gain it back..More, rather than thinking of my smaller stomach as the answer, I use it as a Weight loss tool. I've now lost 100 lbs through Weight Watchers. Eating healthy foods in healthy portions. Had I realized so many years ago I could lose such a large amount of weight on Weight Watchers NEVER would have put myself through such drastic surgery. Best of luck to you
There really is no one specific answer to your question. Typically to qualify for gastric bypass surgery a person needs to be at least 100 lbs overweight.
3500 calories must be burned to lose one pound.
move more, eat less
about 3 pounds