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Q: How many feet do you stay away from radiation patient?
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Suppose the amount of radiation that could be received from a microwave oven varies inversely as the square of the distance from it. How many feet away must you stand to reduce your potential radiation exposure to the amount you could receive standing 1 foot away?

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Radiation treatments are delivered in as little as one to as many as 45 treatments. It is not so much the number of treatments, but the total dose of radiation and it's biological effect on the structures within the treatment.

How many feet do you have to stay away from a truck?

50 feet

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It has to be at least eighty feet away Not it has to be fifteen

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If the patient continues to drink while doing radiation therapy his throat will hurt. Radiation already will burn the esophagus, and when you combine that with alcohol, it will hurt. If it hurts, the patient wont go in for treatments, too many inconsistencies with radiation treatment and it will be ineffective.

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3 feet

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25 feet

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200 feet

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3,000 feet

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At North Star they said that the Sun is 490 billion feet away from the earth

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The tree is 339 feet away from the tree. 113X3=339

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they don't have to be away from windows. why would they?