About 2 weeks
It will take a week to cover, a month to fully recover
About 3 - 4 weeks
It takes a while don't worry they put you to sleep
Overall, gastrectomy surgery usually requires a recuperation time of several weeks.
Recovery may take up to four weeks. Sometimes physical therapy of the hand is required after surgery to regain good use.
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Since the opeing they use to do tha lap band i only take about 4 week to fully recover from surgery.
There is no simple answer to that. It is not a standard operation that is the same for everyone. The surgery for each individual can be different, so for some it is a bigger thing to get over. Then there are other factors, like the relative health of the person, which may impact on how well able they are to recover.
It takes about six weeks to fully recover from the surgery. The sutures that close the skin can be removed in seven to ten days. Patients are encouraged to move around soon after the operation