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As long as they see fit. There is no specific time frame. It's variable to each person but they can keep you in there for life.

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Q: How long can a state keep you committed to a psychiatric hospital?
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Can medical bills be taken from state tax return?

The answer to this question depends on what state you live in. Laws differ from state to state. In South Carolina, however, any state operated hospital does have the right and will keep state tax refunds in order to satisfy an unpaid hospital bill. The state will notify a person in advance via a letter.

In hospital took an overdose what shall you do. because like im in hospital now but i have to choose to live with the person who made me take the OD or foster care and maybe even Psychiatric hospital.?

Oh- I took the old OD before also- I claimed it was a mistake, I had forgoten that I had taken the medication already. Life is to interesting to leave it now- there are to many stupid people around to keep us entertained...Good Luck and I am here!

In a hospital were would the keep the medicine?

At the hospital pharmacy, of course.

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Call the hospital.

Is the word hospital an Arabic word meaning house of medicine?

Hospital is not an Arabic name, it is in English language, which is the place were doctors help patients to get treatment which keep them in a healthy state. hospital in Arabic means : Mostashfaa written as : مستشفى Hope this helps :)

Can a hospital keep you from seeing a patient?

Under the right conditions, yes, a hospital can keep you from seeing a patient. If the patient is contagious, is undergoing surgery, or is in ICU (which is the most probable reason), a hospital can keep you from seeing a patient.

What should the gun handler always have for safety purposes?

A psychiatric certificate.

What should you do when you break-up with your girlfriend she attempts suicide and ends up in the hospital is scared and alone and needs you?

Answer Either she accomplished what she wanted which was to manipulate you into doing what she wanted or she truly needs psychiatric help. Many times it is a ploy to get attention. Whatever the reason, she needs counseling and the hospital will (or should - they usually do) order a social worker or psychiatrist to see her while she is in the hospital. You should probably stick by her while she is in the hospital but don't lead her on. Be there for her for now but don't make false promises that you don't intend to keep. A counselor will help her work through it all.

Does a hospital orderly have to go to any college or university?

In many cases, a high school diploma or equivalent is necessary for a job as a nursing, psychiatric aide or orderly. However, a high school diploma generally is not required for jobs as home health aides. Specific qualifications vary by occupation, State laws, and work setting. Advancement opportunities are limited.

How long can a psychiatric ward keep you as a patient legally?

The length of stay in a psychiatric ward can vary depending on individual circumstances and the laws of the specific state or country. In general, patients can be kept involuntarily for a limited period, typically ranging from a few days to a few weeks, until they are no longer deemed a danger to themselves or others. After this initial period, the patient may be discharged, transitioned to voluntary status, or have their stay extended through legal procedures.

What do you do for a broke wrist?

get to hospital as soon as possible unti then keep it covered with an ice pack and keep as still as possible

Becoming a Psychiatric Nurse?

If you enjoy helping people who are, at times, mentally incompetent, then you may very well enjoy holding a job as a psychiatric nurse. These particular nurses can often be found working directly with patients who are mentally ill. They can work in psychiatric hospitals, regular hospitals but on the psychiatric floor, and for the government. Psychiatric nurses are in very high demand because of the simple fact that mental illness is on the rise. As a psychiatric nurse, you will be in charge of taking care of and medicating patients who have one or more mental disorders. These disorders can range from depression to schizophrenia, so you will need a high tolerance for patients who aren't always on their best behavior. To become a psychiatric nurse, you should first become a registered nurse. This usually takes about three or four years of attending a reputable university. You will have to go through clinical experience and sit for a state-given examination to become licensed in your state. After you have become licensed as an RN, you can begin to look for entry-level jobs that are in the psychiatric field. The establishment in which you are hired will put you through a brief training course and require you to take a competency exam after a few months on the job. Psychiatric nurses can make just as much, if not more, than registered nurses. In fact, the median salary range for nurses who are new to a particular psychiatric career is $60,000 a year. Nurses who have been working in psychiatry for over ten or twenty years can come home with about $75,000 a year. This salary range can differ depending on the exact location in which you work. Most psychiatric nurses also have fantastic benefits which may include dental, medical, hospitalization, and a retirement fund. Being a psychiatric nurse can be a wonderful experience for those who are interested in psychiatry and giving care to a variety of different patients. You will need a good level of compassion and understanding when working with mentally ill and disturbed patients. At times, your job might even become dangerous. However, keep in mind that most psychiatric nurses love their field and would never leave it.