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Yes. Because you need to learn various skills.


Basketball's hard because of teasing. There are about a hundred ways in basketball for a boy or girl who's good at it to tantalize and torment a boy who isn't (like me), and they usually don't bother playing properly but just make it about teasing you instead. One thing is bouncing the ball in reach but moving it whenever you try to get it, like keep-away, and another thing is slowing down to tempt you into trying to get the ball but then speeding up and getting away as soon as you make a move. The worst thing if all is when the other boy or girl's dribbling the ball and stops running and just walks. You're going out of your wits trying your best to get the ball off them and they're just walking, and STILL keeping you from getting it This can get you so frustrated you end up crying. In the end I was just getting teased so much at basketball, especially by the younger girls and boys at my school, and I had to switch to Netball instead.

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