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Talk to them about safety, about your expectations that safety is a basic part of doing the work and follow through accordingly. Make your specific requirements known on how the work is to be done safely, and comply with your own rules.

Once your safety rules are known, enforce them. If employees refuse to follow the safety processes you establish, apply discipline. Start with a reprimand and explanation of why the requirement exists, escalate to other consequences, including docked pay, furloughs, a paid day out off to think about whether they want to continue working for you, and ultimately fire those who won't work safely.

But remember, you have to walk the talk. You can't require work be done safely except just this one time because an important customer needs the product tomorrow. Safety should be a value you and all your employees live by, not a priority that can change with changing business needs.

And you can't tell the employees simply to "be more careful." Your management must be aware of safety and and catch and correct unsafe procedures promptly. What they ignore, everyone else will ignore, because it must not be very important.

If your employees believe you believe in safety, then they will act safely as long as you provide adequate, specific, safety guidance and adequate resources.

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