

Best Answer

flood damage light weight houses causing a high loss in areas where mostly houses are made up of wood

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Q: How do floods affect buildings?
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What changes do floods cause?

floods cause damage to house and buildings and people die.

Do volcanoes affect peoples lifes?

buildings and other things get covered in ash.people die of carbon dioxide. makes global warming and causes floods

How do typhoons affect people's lives?

Typhoons can destroy homes and buildings

What term is used to describe buildings that are repeatedly besieged by floods?

What term is used to describe buildings that are repeatedly besieged by floods?

What is the best term to describe buildings that are repeatedly besieged by floods?

Flood-prone buildings.

What can floods do to people?

floods can kill peoplePeoples homes and buildings can be destroyed.flood can destroy people cropsflood destroy road

How many buildings were destroyed in the Queensland floods?

I dont have a clue

What is one positive effect floods can have on ecosystem in the floods plains?

One positive effect of floods in floodplains is that they can replenish nutrients in the soil by depositing sediment, which can enrich the land and support plant growth. Additionally, floodwaters can create diverse habitats for a variety of aquatic and terrestrial species, contributing to overall ecosystem biodiversity.

How does the thames affect people?

It floods

How do floods affect the atmosphere?

They dont?

What type of areas are more prone to floods?

Buildings which are constructed with earth based materials or using stones and bricks are highly prone to floods

What do floods destorys?

Mostly buildings, personal belongings and a hell lot of stuff