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It should tell you on the box or there may be a little slip of paper that came with it and it may be on there. I don't know what brand you have, but I purchased one last year and it said that the results were 99% accurate. I took it and got a positive result and it was accurate. Although, I do believe I remember reading that it is more likely for the test to give a False-positive rather than a false-negative if indeed it did give a false result.

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Very. Just like you would test at a hospital.

However, many of them charge for pregnancy tests. To find a clinic that offers just as accurate tests for free, go to, call 1-800-712-HELP or text "HELPLINE" to 313131

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Q: How accurate are planned parenthood pregnancy tests?
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If a am having symptoms and i took a test but the test came back negative am i pregnant?

Home pregnancy tests may not be 100% accurate. Get a blood test administered by a doctor. You can get one at Planned Parenthood.

Can a 14 year old go to a Dr and get a pregnancy test with out her parents?

This depends on where you live. Different states have different rules. In some you have to be of legal age which is 16 or 18 depending on the state so the best thing is to call your local clinic or Planned Parenthood and ask, Planned Parenthood is 1-800-230-PLAN.

Where can you go to check if you are pregnant and do NOT have insurance and do not want to trust an at home test?

Planned Parenthood offers free and low cost pregnancy tests and is not only reliable and confidential they also offer many other services

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Home pregnancy tests can give a false negative in the first few weeks of a pregnancy. If you think you are pregnant you should see a doctor. Contact your local Planned Parenthood for more information.

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While home pregnancy tests are very accurate, they are less accurate than a pregnancy test evaluated by a laboratory.

Can your body still think it is pregnant and produce a positive result on a pregnancy test even if you had an abortion less than two weeks ago?

I found it on a Planned Parenthood Page. :) How accurate are pregnancy tests after abortion? The pregnancy hormone, HCG (human chorionic gonadatropin), can remain in the body for up to 60 days after an abortion. Similarly, HCG levels can be measurable for weeks after childbirth. This can lead to pregnancy tests with false positive results. Women who are concerned about the accuracy of pregnancy tests during the weeks after abortion may want to take a few tests a few days apart. That can help them see if the levels of HCG are increasing or decreasing. Women who use home pregnancy tests and who are still concerned that pregnancy is continuing or another pregnancy has occurred can consult their clinicians to test for the precise levels of HCG. After at least two tests, the clinician will be able to tell whether the HCG is rising � a continuing or new pregnancy � or whether it is falling � no pregnancy. From this link ...

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They are over 99% accurate when used on or after the day of your expected period.

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Hello, If you have 0 HCG in your blood, and if you conceived after this then a pregnancy test would be accurate. A pregnancy test will not be accurate if you have any HCG in your blood.

Does planned parenthood give birth control for free?

they don't usually "give them out" but you can go to your local health department for a urine test just about anytime you think you may be pregant. most are free but sometimes it depends on the persons income. Pregnancy centers offer pregnancy and often STI testing for free to anyone, regardless of income, and also help with material needs if you are pregnant, parenting classes, adoption assistance, and usually ultrasounds. Go to, call 1-800-712-HELP, or text "HELPLINE" to 313131 to find a pregnancy center near you.

How accurate is the new Confirm Clearly HPT?

Most pregnancy tests are 99.9% accurate. It will say on the box or leaflet how accurate it is hun.

Is it possible to have a false possible pregnancy test?

Absolutely. Most Pregnancy tests tend to 90-96% accurate.

How long after your period will a pregnancy test be accurate?

Most pregnancy tests are accurate day one of your missed period, if your test is negative retake it in 3 to 7 days.