May not make a person permanently sterile but heat is know to cause it. Puttying a laptop on a lap causes a significant increase in temperature around the scrotum. Even doctors advise men with fertility issues to wear shorts to reduce the hear around their scrotum. If you like working lying on your back and putting the LAPtop on your genital area directly then the exposure is even worse.
Absolutely not.
if you consider a chance of going sterile a bad thing, then yes.
if your just putting it on your lap then yes it can decrease your fertility
You cannot get leg cancer or diabetic sickness by putting laptops on your lap, I have no idea who told you that, but tell them to look it up, please.Read more: Does_putting_a_laptop_on_your_lap_give_you_cancer
i put the laptop on my lap.
Good laptop trays are cushioned lap desks with grip on the top.
you cant do that but you can connect the laptop to a moniter
It really depends on you. Most cushions keep the heat from your laptop off of you. They also make it more comfortable to have the laptop sitting on your lap.
since we keep on top of our lap it called as laptop
Yes, laptop is the combination of lap, and top. laptop (:
Laptop, because it is portable and can be used anywhere, specifically a LAP.