Yes general anaesthesia is normal unless there is a very good reason to use an epidural.
That was the question I had before my laproscopic hysterectomy a few day ago.My doctor told me yes you can still have laproscopic suregery. If you do happen to be on your menstrual cycle be sure to wear a pad NOT a tampon during your surgery.
you actually are put asleep and then they will operate
The appendix will be removed surgically by laproscopic or open surgery.
My doctor prescribed it for me after gall bladder removal surgery (laproscopic). It probably depends on your doctor and the surgery performed.
it makes you fall asleep. usually in surgery the doctors do it and sometimes when you get your tooth pulled put.
Yes, I had a nasal surgery and they made sure I was fast asleep. Don't worry about it :)
Do you mean when they go in through a small hole with a camera and do the operation without opening up the patient? That's called "laproscopic" surgery.
It is a drug you are put on to fall asleep if you are having an opperation or surgery. It also numbs your body so you dont feel anything.
The things that can happen during a transplant surgery are that, the patient will be put under general anesthesia and made to sleep. Once the patient is asleep, the surgeon will start the transplant surgery. After the surgery,the patient may experience some discomfort and pains at the area of surgery.
Yes its called laproscopic but you will be asked to sign a consent form stating that the operation can be transferred to abdominal if there are complications which are unusual.
The amount of time that they take varies from case to case. My mom's took nearly 4 hours but, she had a cyst on both ovaries. It also depends on which method they use to preform the Hysterectomy.