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They usually have someone.

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Q: Do hospitals hire law firms
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Can you work in a hospital with an occupational therapy degree?

There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.

Who hires people at hospitals?

surgeons are the people who hire people at the hospitals

Where can one go to hire an estate lawyer?

One should contact some local law firms and speak to them about their prices and services surrounding estate law. It is a great idea to hire a lawyer when planning one's estate, and there will usually be a specialist in that area at any law firm.

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There are many options for a person who would like financial guidance. Some of the best brokerage firms for hire are Schwab, Scottrade, and Fidelity.

Are debt collectors ever law firms?

Yes, many are law firms.

What type of employers hire in epidemiologists?

Hospitals and medical clinics would hire these specialists.

What is the starting salary for an attorney in Chicago?

It really depends on the area of legal expertise but most law firms in Chicago start a minimum of $125,000 per year. But these firms generally hire only the best candidates from the top law schools. There is a good site where you can ask Chicago attorneys questions 12.75

tier 1 corporate law firms in india?

Tier 1 corporate law firms in India are prestigious legal firms renowned for their expertise in corporate and commercial law.

What are the ramifications of a paralegal dating clients of law firms?

check your law firms policies on dating clients.

Where can one find information on Car Accident Law firms?

Many law firms that specialize in car accident cases advetise on daytime television. Also, websites like Auto Accident Law Firms and PR Web can give information on these firms.

What are some places that hire 14-year-olds in Manitoba?

Places that hire 14 year olds in Manitoba include Manitoba Youth Job Centres, lawn-mowing firms, and babysitting firms.

Where does a typist work?

A typist typically works in an office setting, in environments such as government offices, law firms, hospitals, or corporate businesses. With advancements in technology, typists may also work remotely from home.