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That is well beyond the statute of limitations on debt. However, thare are other factors involved. Any contact that indicated "We'll take care of it" or "Yes, we know" can be construed as starting the time period over again. Typically the estate should have resolved the debts, including the medical bills of the deceased. If a child has co-signed any paperwork regarding medical procedures, they may be held liable.

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Q: Can you be sued for hospital bills of a parent 13 years after there death in ny?
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Can you be sued for bills 13 years after the death of a parent in ny state?

can you be sued for hospital bills 13 years after the death of a parent in the state of NY?

Can your wages be garnished for hospital bills from 1983?

If the debtor has made no attempt to collect such bills in the three years, the courts do not recognize it as a debt.

Is there a statute of limitation on hospital bills in Pa?

Yes, there is a limit in Pennsylvania. It would be four years from the last action.

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Very likely, yes. In general, spouses have a duty to support one another, which gives the hospital the right to pursue you for unpaid bills.

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In Idaho, there are no statue of limitations on having to pay hospital bills directly from a hospital. However, there is a 7 year statute of limitations in Idaho for hospital bills bought by a factoring or collection company.

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Is there a statute of limitation on hospital bills?

Yes there is a limit in almost all jurisdictions. It will vary, but could be as long as ten years from the last action.

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Simon-Napoléon Parent was born on September 12, 1855 and died on September 7, 1920. Simon-Napoléon Parent would have been 64 years old at the time of death or 159 years old today.

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In most cases, no, unless it was done within two years of death.

What are the limitation to medical bills collected by a hospital after several years in the state of Kentucky?

Debt collection in Kentucky is long. The creditor has up to 15 years to collect on a written agreement. They have 5 years for an Oral agreement or Credit Card.