the best way to clean you concrete floors is with hot and soapy water and lots of hard work
You should aim to find out when the building was constructed and then you can decide if it contains asbestos depending on when it was constructed and then you should get into contact with ARCA which lets you contact contractors that provide complete asbestos removal.
Don't disturb the asbestos containing material or do things to it that might make it release dust.If you must disturb it, wet it first, wear proper respiratory protection and disposable clothing, clean the area afterward and strip and shower before dressing in street cloths.Follow state or national regulations or guides on the methods to use to disturb it without making it airborne.
theywork well as long as you can get the existing concrete clean enough
There are many ways to clean concrete. What you choose depends on what application your concrete is in. I found this website: very useful in helping to determine if you need a cleaner, degreaser, or perhaps a power washing unit.
You don't
Concrete countertops are a bit of a hassle to keep clean,but the end result is amazing.The process of cleaning concrete countertops includes some sort of power washer that will be able to thoroughly clean the concrete of any mess. While it may be a pain, you end up with a beautiful kitchen that will last awhile,good luck!
To clean concrete slabs, first sweep away loose debris. Then use a solution of water and mild detergent to scrub the surface with a stiff brush. Rinse with clean water and let it air dry. For tougher stains, you can use a pressure washer or specialty concrete cleaner.
Diluted bleach.
You need to make sure the concrete is clean and free of loose debris. Patch any holes in the concrete (let dry and settle).