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Trichotillomania is hair loss from compulsive pulling or twisting of the hair until it breaks off.

Alternative Names

Trichotillosis; Compulsive hair pulling

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Trichotillomania is a type of compulsive behavior. Its causes are not clearly understood.

It may affect as much as 4% of the population. Women are four times more likely to be affected than men.


Symptoms usually begin before age 17. The hair may come out in round patches or across the scalp. The effect is an uneven appearance. The person may pluck other hairy areas, such as the eyebrows, eyelashes, or body hair.

These symptoms are usually seen in children:

  • An uneven appearance to the hair
  • Bare patches or all around (diffuse) loss of hair
  • Bowel blockage (obstruction) if people eat the hair they pull out
  • Constant tugging, pulling, or twisting of hair
  • Denying the hair pulling
  • Hair regrowth that feels like stubble in the bare spots
  • Increasing sense of tension before the hair pulling
  • Other self-injury behaviors
  • Sense of relief, pleasure, or gratification after the hair pulling
Signs and tests

People with this disorder often will first seek the help of a Doctor Who treats skin problems (dermatologist).

A piece of tissue may be removed (biopsy) to rule out other causes, such as a scalp infection, and to explain the hair loss.


Experts don't agree on the use of medication for treatment. However, naltrexone and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been shown effective in reducing some symptoms. Behavioral therapy and habit reversal may also be effective.

Expectations (prognosis)

Typically, trichotillomania is limited to younger children who tend to outgrow the behavior. For most, the hair pulling ends within 12 months. Children who start pulling hair early (before age 6) tend to do better than those who start later.


People can have complications when they eat the pulled-out hair (trichophagia). This can cause a blockage in the intestines or lead to poor nutrition.


Early detection is the best form of prevention because it leads to early treatment. Decreasing stress can help, because stress may increase compulsive behavior.


Morelli JG. Disorders of the hair. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2007:chap 661.

Kratochvil CJ, Bloch MH. Trichotillomania across the life span. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2009;48:879-883.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Trichotillomania is hair loss from repeated urges to pull or twist the hair until it breaks off. Patients are unable to stop this behavior, even as their hair becomes thinner.

Alternative Names

Trichotillosis; Compulsive hair pulling

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Trichotillomania is a type of impulsive control disorder. Its causes are not clearly understood.

It may affect as much as 4% of the population. Women are four times more likely to be affected than men.


Symptoms usually begin before age 17. The hair may come out in round patches or across the scalp. The effect is an uneven appearance. The person may pluck other hairy areas, such as the eyebrows, eyelashes, or body hair.

These symptoms are usually seen in children:

  • An uneven appearance to the hair
  • Bare patches or all around (diffuse) loss of hair
  • Bowel blockage (obstruction) if people eat the hair they pull out
  • Constant tugging, pulling, or twisting of hair
  • Denying the hair pulling
  • Hair regrowth that feels like stubble in the bare spots
  • Increasing sense of tension before the hair pulling
  • Other self-injury behaviors
  • Sense of relief, pleasure, or gratification after the hair pulling

Most people with this disorder also have problems with:

  • Feeling sad or depressed
  • Anxiety
  • Poor self image
Signs and tests

People with this disorder often will first seek the help of a doctor who treats skin problems (dermatologist).

A piece of tissue may be removed (biopsy) to rule out other causes, such as a scalp infection, and to explain the hair loss.


Experts don't agree on the use of medication for treatment. However, naltrexone and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been shown effective in reducing some symptoms. Behavioral therapy and habit reversal may also be effective.

Expectations (prognosis)

Trichotillomania that begins in younger children (fewer than 6 years old) may go away without treatment. For most, the hair pulling ends within 12 months.

For others, trichotillomania is a lifelong disorder. However, treatment often improves the hair pulling and the feelings of depression, anxiety, or poor self image.


People can have complications when they eat the pulled-out hair (trichophagia). This can cause a blockage in the intestines or lead to poor nutrition.


Early detection is the best form of prevention because it leads to early treatment. Decreasing stress can help, because stress may increase compulsive behavior.


Morelli JG. Disorders of the hair. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 661.

Kratochvil CJ, Bloch MH. Trichotillomania across the life span. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2009;48:879-883.

Reviewed By

Review Date: 07/20/2011

A.D.A.M. Editorial Team: David Zieve, MD, MHA, and David R. Eltz. Previously reviewed by Linda J. Vorvick, MD, Medical Director, MEDEX Northwest Division of Physician Assistant Studies, University of Washington, School of Medicine; and Michelle Benger Merrill, MD, Instructor in Clinical Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY (2/18/2010).

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What age group is trichotillomania common in?

Some young children between the ages of 1-5 can have trichotillomania but almost always outgrow it. For people who have trichotillomania over a long period of time or who are lifetime sufferers, it usually begins at puberty. Trichotillomania is also most common in females.

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In short... no.

WHAT IS The name of the mental illness that a person keeps pulling their hair out?

Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder)

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Why do you have trichotillomania?

Currently, psychologists think that it is caused by an emotional unbalance. People without trichotillomania are able to regulate their stress and boredom (overstimulation and understimulation) whereas people with trichotillomania seem to be incapable of balancing these out naturally. Therefore, they turn to pulling for the balace that they need. Hope this helps!

Who discovered trichotillomania or who made it a diagnosis?

Hair pulling was first described in the literature in 1885, and the term trichotillomania was coined by the French dermatologist F. Henri Hallopeau in 1889.

Will my hair grow back with Trichotillomania?

yes it will but it will take some time. i have trichotillomania, it is embarrassing but i have to live through it. any questions just message me :) i will be happy to help with how to stop or anything.

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Trichotillomania is plucking at one's hair What is the medical term for plucking at the bedclothes?

To be honest I have no idea what the term for plucking at bedclothes is. However, people with trichotillomania can also have the "craving" to pull hair from pets, blankets, etc. I guess it would go under the same category for someone with trichotillomania but for someone who doesn't have the disorder I really don't know... Hope this helps!