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Teenage depression is just as serious as adult depression. It has many different causes and simply "being a teen" is not the cause. A teenager may become depressed due to a certain situation such as bullying. They may need help coping with a parental divorce or the death of a friend or relative. They may be developing clinical depression or Bipolar disorder, both lifelong illnesses. Parents should get help for their depressed teens.

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Q: Teenage Depression Has Many Causes
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What are some possible causes of teenage depression?

Some possible causes of teenage depression include genetics, brain chemistry imbalance, traumatic life events, chronic illnesses, substance abuse, and social isolation. Adolescents going through hormonal changes and developmental challenges may also contribute to the development of depression.

When was Teenage Depression created?

Teenage Depression was created in 1976.

Why depression in your life?

There are many causes for depression. I suggest talking to a counseler.

Do you suffer teenage depression?

There is really no difference from depression and teenage depression people just want you think its a phase you r going through or some other crap, but if you have "teenage depression" that would of course stay there and become regular depression. Just becaus eyour a teenager doesnt make a difference; and i would know.

What are some signs of teenage depression?

Some signs of teenage depression are not eating as well as usual and sleeping more. Being moody and snapping at people easily is another sign of depression.

Social causes of the great depression?

yes there are MANY

What is the main age for teen depression?

The average age for teenage depression is around 14 years old!

The percentage of teenage depression in US?

About 20% of teens are depressed

Does a pathogen cause depression?

Depression can have such organic causes as infections if the brain becomes involved, but no there is nomicroorganism that causes depression.

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If anxiety and depression are correlated what three possible directions of causality might explain this correlation?

If anxiety and depression are correlated, there are three possible directions of causality. These are anxiety causes depression, depression causes anxiety, and there is an environmental stimuli that causes both anxiety and depression.

What are the causes of depression within bipolar disorder?

There are many causes for depression and bipolar disorder. One can develop these symptoms due to stress, life changes, diet and lifestyle habits, and injury or illness.