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Q: If you had a high fever last night and now your temperature is 96.9 should you be seen for possible pnuemonia?
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Where in the body is pnuemonia found?

Pnuemonia is found in your lungs and it effects your breathing you also cough and sometimes have a high fever.

Major lung infection with fever treatment is with bactrim?

pnuemocytosis pnuemonia

Is 97.5 a fever?

No. And it isn't even dangerous. It is possible in 11% of people (Including me) that the normal body temperature is 97.7!

What is the temperature of fever in Fahrenheit?

Fever is typically defined as a body temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can a fever cause purple lips?

A fever can indirectly cause purple lips. As your body temperature rises, you start to feel colder and colder. You should have your temperature checked, any fever over 104 can cause seizures.

Is it possible to get a fever of 116 Fahrenheit?

No, I believe that a fever temperature can only go up to 109.9 Fahrenheit - 110 Fahrenheit

What will the body suffer from if temperature goes high?

You can get possible brain damage from a long lasting high fever.

Are you sick your temperature is 38.1 C?

You have a fever and u should stay home .

Should you worry if your child's temperature goes from 102 to 97.3?

no because the temperature is going down. Its recovering from a fever

Do you have a fever if your temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit?

No. It should be your temperature right now. If not, go see a doctor.

Are hot tubs therapeutic for someone with a fever?

No. If you have a fever you should not get into a hot tub. It could cause a rise in your body temperature and that could be dangerous.

What is a fever in Fahrenheit?

Average human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Fevers should be diagnosed by doctors.