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Depression is a disease in which you can help yourself to rid of it .... also you can help others to recover from this disease....the simptoms of depression are to feel helpless,losing intrest in studies,job,carrer,sports almost in every field of life even in your family and in your sexual feel dissopointed in every filed of live and could not concentrate to any of you work... there seems to be no reason to live...the simptoms are that there is abnormality in food .. either you eat very much or you eat very less... similarly you sleep very much or you are just looking at the stars and find your sleep in them means there is no sleep what so ever...sometimes there is a heavy burden on your heart and you want to cry and cry very much in alone or also in front of your loved ones...

having all or some of these symptoms you are feared to be in DEPRESSION.... in depression there is a continuous fear in you about what will happen to me in future...HOPE I ANSWERED YOUR QUERY

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If you're sad, tired, or angry all the time. If you're exhausted but can't sleep. If you suddenly lose weight. If you don't have the urge to eat. find yourself hating things you used to love doing. If you feel indifferent toward the world, like you don't care about anything anymore. If you cry uncontrollably and don't know why.

If you're asking for a friend, just watch them carefully. If they seem tired, if they lose interest in things they used to love, if you see any unusual or suspicious scars on them, if they stop eating or lose lots of weight, etc.

IMPORTANT: If you ever feel the urge to hurt or kill yourself, or if you suspect someone else is going to harm themselves in any way, DON'T DO IT AND TELL SOMEONE IMMEDIATELY. I have depression and I know sometimes it feels like it'd be easier just to end it all, but whatever you do, DO. NOT. HURT. YOURSELF. There is ALWAYS another option.

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12y ago

Everyone gets depressed from time to time when they feel sad or unhappy and they usually feel better after a short time. When these depressed feelings do not go away and last for long periods of time, then the person may be suffering from depression. Clinical depression is an illness that changes your perception of everyday events. It also affects your behavior and feelings so that you cannot see things in a positive way. It is a chronic condition that can improve with treatment that may include counseling and medication.

Symptoms of Depression

Some symptoms are seen in the way a depressed person feels. These include unhappy feelings and not enjoying certain activities that were enjoyed previously. A person suffering from depression will often feel frustrated or irritated over both big and small things. The person may also feel worthless and blame himself for anything that isn't good. He may also feel helpless in certain situations or hopeless. In severe cases, he may hate himself and have extreme guilt.

Other symptoms present in the way a person thinks. A person with depression will many times have trouble concentrating and may speak or think slower than usual. It may be hard for him to make decisions and he may have trouble with his memory. In more severe cases the person will have thoughts of suicide or death.

Physical symptoms include body pain that has no explanation and lack of energy for even small jobs. Depression often brings changes in appetite that may result in either weight gain or loss. A person with depression will appear to be agitated and restless and may pace the floor or wring their hands.

Some of the other symptoms include lack of libido and trouble sleeping that may make the person sleep too much or experience insomnia. A person suffering from depression may withdraw from others and become isolated. He may also appear to be angry or discouraged rather than sad or unhappy.

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Q: How to Recognize Depression?
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Patient education in the form of therapy or self-help groups is crucial for training patients with depressive disorders to recognize early symptoms of depression and to take an active part in their treatment program

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Dealing with depression is going to be different for each person. I think the first step is being able to recognize and admit that you are depressed. Next you need to figure out what is causing the depression. Once you know what the cause is, you can begin to look for ways to overcome or get through the depression. It is very important to remember that while every individuals depression is unique to them, you are not alone. Don't be afraid to talk about it or ask for help if you need to.

How To Recognize Every Symtpom Of Depression?

How To Recognize Every Symptom Of Depression Depression is characterized by reoccurring feelings of sadness that affect one’s mood, body, and health. Depression can cause a variety of negative side effects, many of which affect a person’s physical, as well as there emotional health. Depression can affect anyone. Men, women, and children are all possible victims of depression. However, depression unfortunately does not only affect the sufferer, but also their family and friends. This is why is it important to learn how to recognize each symptom of depression. By understading the symptoms of depression, you will be able to effectively recognize depression in friends and loved ones and help these sufferers get the help they need. What Is A Symptom of Depression: A symptom of depression is a sign that a person exhibits which indicates that they may be suffering from depression. These signs manifest themselves in physically, psychologically, and behaviorally. Physical symptoms of depression include an inability to fall asleep or increased sleep, loss of appetite, decreased energy, changes in weight, headaches, and unexplained muscle aches and other pains. While some of these symptoms may be hard to identify in others, drastic changes in weight and increased fatigue are easily identified signs of depression. Psychological symptoms of depression are feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities, an inability to concentrate, irritability, restlessness, feelings of self-loathing, hopeless feelings, and mood swings. These symptoms can range from mild to severe and should be taken seriously, as depression can worsen with time. Sufferers of depression will also exhibit changes in their behavior. Depression may make normally social people become withdrawn, easily irritated by others, and uncomfortable in social situations. If a friend or family member has lost interest in their favorite activities and/or has suffered from a number of negative behavioral changes, he or she may be suffering from depression. What To Do If A Friend Of Family Member Exhibits A Symptom Of Depression If a friend or family member is suffering from depression, it is important to be emotionally available for them in this difficult time. While, a friend may just need a listening ear or shoulder to cry on, more severe cases of depression may require the help of a professional. If a friend or family member is suffering from depression, alerting a trusted adult and encouraging them to seek help may be the best way to show that you care.

Where can I find some good CNA classes to attend?

One of the most important aspects of CNA training is learning to recognize and deal with patient depression. Since no two people cope with depression in the same manner, it is extremely important to be aware of the signs and symptoms. The sooner depression is diagnosed, the higher the ratio of successful treatment.

How do you recognize bipolar?

There are several different types of Bipolar disorder, all of which are characterized by highs (mania) and lows (depression). I recommend below beyond blue website for more info

How can I recognize depression in a teen?

Symptoms of depression include feeling sad for a long period of time, sleep issues, irritability, change in appetite, fatigue, lethargy, decreased sex drive, thoughts of suicide. Teenagers may withdraw from some people if they are depressed, may be extremely sensitive to criticism, and have unexplained aches and pains.

Why do you have depression?

Very often, a combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors is involved in the onset of depression. Women experience depression about twice as often as men. Many hormonal factors may contribute to the increased rate of depression in women, particularly such factors as menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, miscarriage, postpartum period, pre-menopause and menopause. Many women also face additional stresses such as responsibilities both at work and home, single parenthood and caring for children and for aging parents.Men are less likely to suffer from depression than women. Men's depression is often masked by alcohol or drugs, or by the socially acceptable habit of working excessively long hours. Depression typically shows up in men not as feeling hopeless and helpless, but as being irritable, angry, and discouraged; hence, depression may be difficult to recognize as such in men.

Whose memory is stronger camels or rats?

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