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Using the BMI (Body Mass Index) calculation, overweight is between 25 - 30, obese is 30 - 40 and extremely obese is 40 and up. This calculation is a height and weight comparison (BMI = weight in pounds X 705 / height in inches squared). Usingbody fat analysis is better and for a woman obesity starts about 33% body fat, for a man about 24%. There are numerous ways to calculate body fat.

For more information relating to obesity, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

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12y ago

There are several factors involved:

1. Genetics

2. Behavior disorders

3. Dysfunctional family

4. Some medications

5. Slow metabolism

6. Addicted to food

7. Lack of exercise

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13y ago

Most people can tell if they are overweight by even a few pounds. However, many people would be shocked to find out they are at an obese weight. They consider obese people as 300 pounds or more and barely able to get around. But you're obese if your body fat is 30 percent for women and 25 percent for men. To get an idea if you're obese, figure your BMI by using one of the free calculators online. There are many health risks that increase with obesity, including Diabetes, hypertension, Heart disease and even some types of cancers.

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How can you be Obece?

If you mean obese, you can be obese when you are extremely over weight.

How do you know if you are overwieght?

You have to weigh yourself first. If you are 20% above ideal weight for your height then you are obese.

What is the weight to know when you are obese?

That's one thing you need to ask your doctor. BECAUSE you need to know if you are obese or not obese. You can't tell if a person is obese by looking at them. Well, some of them you can. Example: I'm 5'8 238 pounds my peers said that I don't look obese but when I look in the mirror I look obese. But check this out my doctor said that I,m not obese so talk to your doctor he\she can be very helpful some times.

What kinds of obesity are there?

Twenty to forty percent over ideal weight is considered mildly obese; 40-100% over ideal weight is considered moderately obese; and 100% over ideal weight is considered severely, or morbidly, obese.

At 12 what weight is obese?

It really depends on your height. I was clinically obese at 65 pounds and I was 5'5''.

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Which is better over weight or obese?


How are results in BMI categorsied?

Under weight, healthy weight, over weight, obese

If you are 13 and weigh 140 lbs are you obese?

If you want to know about your obesity level, you need to know your BMI index which depends on your height and weight and is independent of your age.

What is mild obestiy?

Mild obesity means that while you are not obese, but are slightly obese. Obese is a term that describes someone who is well above the normal weight.

How can you tell if your son is obese?

The best way to tell if your son is obese is to weigh him and compare his weight to average weights, which can be found on the Internet. Though weights vary, if your son is obese, his weight will be much higher than the average weights.

What do you call people that's over weight?
