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Q: How do insects increase the efficiency of gas exchange during strenuous activity?
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Which muscles should be thoroughly stretched before one participates in a strenuous physical activity such as a triathlon?

To avoid injury and to increase preformance, streches for all parts of your body should be done prior to strenuous activites. This should include, but not limit to: your neck, back, shoulders, arms, and legs.

How much air do you need a day?

Humans breath at a normal rate of about 18 to 20 breaths a minute. Respirations increase during exercise or strenuous activity to accommodate an increased need for O2.

What outdoor temperature and humidity level are designated as the upper limits of safety for strenuous physical activity?

Outdoor temperature above 90°F (32°C) and humidity levels above 70% are designated as the upper limits of safety for strenuous physical activity. These conditions can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It is important to stay hydrated, take breaks, and avoid activity during the hottest part of the day in such conditions.

Does increase in activity increase your bmr?

An increase in activity does in fact increase your BMR depending if you increase the activity everyday if it is only for one day then your BMR won't change that much or it won't change at all

What leads to technology?

an increase to efficiency

How do you increase the efficiency of a engine?

Lower it!

When you increase the height of a ramp which increases the angle does the efficiency for kinetic energy increase of decrease?

When you increase the height of a ramp, the efficiency for kinetic energy decreases because you are doing work against gravity to lift the object higher. This means less of the initial potential energy is converted into kinetic energy compared to when the ramp is lower.

How can you increase the efficiency and life of your AC?

You can increase the efficiency and life of your AC by having it inspected by a technician and changing the filters every month.

Why do less Americans not increase their activity levels?

Americans do less activity because it do not increase their activity levels because of the physical activity they do is not enough.

Why do less active Americans not increase their activity levels?

Americans do less activity because it do not increase their activity levels because of the physical activity they do is not enough.

How can firm increase efficiency labor?

60 %

What does technological progress lead to?

an increase to efficiency