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Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD.) The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that one out of six people in the United States carry the herpes HSV-2 virus. Once the virus enters your system, it is in you for life as there is no current cure for the disease. There are treatments to prevent or shorten outbreaks, letting carriers live healthy and normal lives.

Before any treatments may be prescribed, it is crucial to get a proper diagnosis from your physician. There are two methods for testing: taking a sample of a sore during an outbreak, or conducting a blood test. Blood test methods are not as accurate as taking a sample from a sore.

After the diagnosis, prescriptions for anti-viral medications may be provided. Currently, the two most common prescriptions for genital herpes are Valtrex and Acyclovir. Talk with the doctor to determine which is best for you.

If you have frequent outbreaks (more than three a year), it may be in your best interest to take Vatrex. Valtrex is taken once a day and is used as a prophylactic for the disease. This means that the prescription is taken to prevent outbreaks, not necessarily to shorten outbreaks when they do occur. Downsides are the cost of the prescription, often upwards of $250 per month if you do not have health insurance.

Acyclovir is another anti-viral prescription medication for genital herpes. Acyclovir may be a better option should you have the outbreaks under control (one or less per year.) Acyclovir shortens outbreaks and reduces pain and swelling during the outbreak. Typically, the longer you live with the condition, the fewer outbreaks per year you experience. Benefits of Acyclovir include not having to take it daily, lower cost and shortening outbreaks when they occur.

Beyond prescription medications, herpes treatment should include learning how to lower and live with stress. Stress is a trigger for outbreaks. Studies have also shown that diet helps to regulate and maintain stasis between outbreaks. Eating a healthy, fruit and vegetable rich diet with very few processed foods helps to prevent herpes outbreaks.

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