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The bulk of the diet comes from plant sources, including whole grains, breads, pasta, polenta (from corn), bulgur and couscous (from wheat), rice, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, legumes (beans and lentils), seeds, and nuts.

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13y ago

What is typically recommended as the Mediterranean Diet is actually a combination of food habits of people living in Italy, Greece and Spain. Many doctors recommend Mediterranean diet foods for a healthy heart. Mediterranean countries enjoy lower rates of cardiovascular disease than the United States. Following a Mediterranean diet lowers LDL cholesterol levels due to the number of foods that contain healthy fats.

The Mediterranean diet may lower the risk for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. The diet may also help maintain blood sugar levels. Because the Mediterranean diet restricts the intake of high-fat foods, children who grow up following the diet may have an easier time choosing healthful foods, which could reduce their risk of Heart disease, obesity and cancer later in life.

The Mediterranean diet is filled with fresh foods low in saturated fat and sugar, such as fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and nuts. It limits red meat, butter and eggs, which consist of saturated or trans-fats and emphasizes olive oil as the main source of fat instead. The Mediterranean diet regimen usually features two servings of fish per week. Other recommended sources of lean proteins include chicken, turkey, salmon, shrimp, mussels, and tilapia. The diet encourages up to nine servings of traditional Mediterranean fruits and vegetables per day, such as apples, avocados, bananas, cucumbers, limes, mangoes, olives, peppers, tomatoes and onions. Spanish paella serves as a typical Mediterranean meal that includes rice, seafood and vegetables with olive oil or broth.

It is worth mentioning that the Mediterranean diet focuses on the healthful foods people choose to eat, but lifestyle also plays a role in lower rates of heart disease. The Mediterranean diet includes routine physical activity to lower cholesterol and control weight. Adding at least 30 minutes of regular exercise per day can greatly extend the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

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