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i had my tubes tied in 2005 but this month im late and have sore breast i took one it came out neg what chould i do

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14y ago

i had my tubs tied but i had miss my monthly thing for 2 months now can i be preangent

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Q: Your tubed are tied but you missed your period?
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Tubes tied and burnt for 22 years missed period age 50 am i pregnant?

Menopause more likely.

You have missed 2 periods and you have your tubes tied what could be wronge?

i have had my tubes tied for five years and i have never missed my period and it has never been late i had a mri done last year and it showed that i had a cyst is it possible that my period this month was brown and only lasted for two days because of the tubes being tied or because of the cyst or could i be pregnent?

Can you be pregnant tubes tied negative pregnant test missed and just turned 40?

you are coming into the menopause stage of your life so that may be the reason for the missed period and negative pregnancy test. the likely hood of being pregnant afer having your tubes tied is pretty much none existant

If your tubes have been tied and you think you may be pregnant will a home pregnancy test give you the right answer?

If you are a week past your missed period a HPT should work.

Can trichomoniasis cause a missed period?

Trichomoniasis will not cause a missed period.

Could you be pregnant if you missed your period two months in a row and had your tubes cut and tied?

yes because you could have gotten pregnant before your Tubaligation. It depends when you had your Tubaligation

Can quitting smoking cause a missed period?

No, quitting smoking can not cause a missed period.

Could you become pregnant the day after missed period?

If you have missed your period and are pregnant, you most likely got pregnant around 14 days before your missed period.

If you missed your last period but got your next one what does that mean?

It just means that you missed a period

Can trauma from a car accident cause the onset of an early menstrual cycle?

Yes. Just happened to me; stress in general can cause an early/missed/late period because your emotions are tied into your hormones.