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Emotions can cause you to be late

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Q: Your period is 3 days late but you are not pregnant What could be wrong?
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If you spotted the first two days of your cycle and had a normal period after could you be pregnant?

you are not supposed to have a period if you are pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if you got your period two days after sex?

If you have had ur period 2 days after you have had sex then your not pregneant, but if your period is late after haveing sex then you could be pregnant!

Could you be pregnant if your period is 6 days late but comes on the 7th day?

No i don't think so you could not be pregnant if you have your period

Whats wrong when you start your period two days early and it stops the next morning?

If there is a chance you could be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. It could be implantation bleeding

What could be wrong if you are six days late for your menstrual period which normally occurs on a regular basis?

Stress among other factors can cause you period to come late. If you've had unprotected sex you could be pregnant.

Could you get pregnant on day 11 if your cycle is 32 days?

could i be pregnant if i had sex 10 days after my period if i have a 33 day cycle

Could you get pregnant 9 days after your period finished?

Yes you can

I had my period then 9 days after I started spotting could i be pregnant?

probably you were pregnant and had a miscarriage

Could you be pregnant if your period came 50 days late and only for 2 days?

yes could

Could you become pregnant the day after missed period?

If you have missed your period and are pregnant, you most likely got pregnant around 14 days before your missed period.

I'm not pregnant but my period has stopped What could be wrong?

But seriously: Are you sure you are not pregnant? Tests can be wrong. How long have you been without your periods - days or months? Best to get personal medical advice (visit doctor or clinic) just to see how your body is working.

Could you be pregnant if your period last one day?

no you do not get a period if you are pregnant but that does not mean it is okay to have unprotected sex on your period sperm can live for 10 days