Once you have your period, take it as notice that you are not pregnant this time around. It is very rare, and not usual, for people to have periods during pregnancy. If you meant to be pregnant, that is one thing. If you did not, or are not in a stable relationship, make sure that you have the best Birth Control.
If you had a period after you had sex, you're not pregnant. The uterus is shedding its lining, which, if you were pregnant, it would keep to nourish the embryo.
Not necessarily
As long as you have your period, no matter when it comes, you cannot be pregnant. Pregnancy delays periods until months after the baby is born, typically. You cannot, however, be pregnant and have your period.
You can still get pregnant from pre-ejaculation. And on your period or not, you can still get pregnant.
not likely. some women mistake implantation bleeding as their period. if it was like a previous period, then it probably just came early; but if it was light spotting I'd recommend seeing your doctor for a blood pregnancy test.
when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant.
you are most likely not pregnant.
When you have a period it usually means you aren't pregnant.
Hello. Yes there is a chance you could be pregnant because your period came earlier than normal for you and was lighter than normal for you. Because of this there is a small chance of pregnancy. See your doctor for a blood test or do a home pregnancy test. The blood test is highly accurate. Please recommend me if I've helped you. :o)
Yes you can get pregnant while on your period -
Should I stop birth control if my tests came back negative, but I still feel pregnant, but haven't missed a period yet?