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Q: Your joints ache and you look like you have a sunburn?
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How does the joint look like?

the joints look like as if they were 9 apples

Why don't giraffes get sunburn?

if you shave them then yes the will look like a pink popcicle

What can I do for my son who is 11 years old and complains that his legs ache Is he having growing pains?

if the pain is in the muscles then prolly. but if it's in the joints then its a medical condition and a doctor should take a look.

How beta particle differ from electron beam?

very little, both will cause the same "beta burns" which look like a bad sunburn but are usually deeper than any sunburn can go.

Are there universal joints on front wheel drives 2005 grandprix?

Yes but, they are called CV joints (Constant Velocity Joints) . They don't look anything like the old universal joints you typically see on driveshafts.

If a rabbit can get sunburn what does his fur look like when this has happened?

The fur will feel dry and brittle. It will get a yellow or dull grey tinge to it.

What do you-joints look like on a 98 Plymouth breeze?

It doesn't have universal joints. The axle shafts have constant velocity (CV) joints.It doesn't have universal joints. The axle shafts have constant velocity (CV) joints.

Why is the ball and socket joints are called ball And socket joint?

Because that's what they look like.

What do vamps look like?

They would probably look like us with paler skin. -- Vampires do not look like anything because they do not exist. However, according to traditional vampire lore, they would look like corpses if they did exist. -- they look like average people except they are paler and they sunburn easier so they would have a lot of suntan lotion on.and they do not exist.

What does arthritis look like?

A person with arthritis looks like anyone else unless the hip, knee, or ankle joints are so effected that they can no longer walk. If the hands are affected, the fingers might be swollen and crooked, or there may be "knots" on the joints.

What is nose ache?

A nose ache is a person who is being nosey i.e If you're in a different room from said person then they suddenly enter or poke their nose round the door, just to look at what you are doing, they are a nose ache. And so you should tell them so by saying to them "Nose ache". A typical response to being called a nose ache is silence and a swift exit.

Will peeling sunburn discolor your face forever?

Well, I got a bad sunburn at the moment, where it was blistering, and now i peeled it, sadly I look like a pink and brown cow now because i peeled, I have heard from many people that it would go away in 5 days, not sure though, I wish you the best