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If by not fully developed you mean that you can't pull the foreskin back to expose the head, then it's not a problem unless it causes pain during sex. If your foreskin is too tight to be pulled back, you can learn more about how to fix it by searching on Wikianswers for "How do you stretch your foreskin?"

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Q: Your foreskin is not fully developed is that a problem?
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If you're NOT circumcised, you can be afraid of foreskin problem.

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You are 14 when fully erect you can pul your foreskin over the head of your penis but not down the shaft as your foreskin seems to be fused to the head of your penis?

The answer is simple. Your foreskin is fused to the head of your penis, and that is why it can be stretched of your head. some teens, are circumcised (for, say, religious reasons) so they don't have foreskins. You can be circumcised as a baby for the aforementioned reason, or if an ailment requires the removal of the foreskin

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At time of sex pennies skin is not going backward it is good or bad?

There is a medical condition where the opening at the end of the foreskin is not large enough for the head of the penis to fully emerge. It can be treated relatively easily by a doctor. If the foreskin does not fully retract, infection may occur, so thoroughly clean the area daily.

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A human eye is typically fully developed by the age of seven. However, vision and eye coordination continue to mature throughout childhood and into early adulthood.

Is foreskin supposed to be back on hard?

I would say that depends on how much foreskin you have. I think for health and cleanliness it s good idea to keep it pulled back whenever you can. especially when its hard. ive read that men with heavy foreskin that dont stretch it back can eventually have a problem fully exposing the head of the penis resulting in less sensation our even painful masturbation and problems with difficult penetration. anything anyone can add.. other than thanks mom and dad. . .

Which is the first sense to be fully developed?

The sense of touch is the first sense to be fully developed in humans. It begins to develop in the womb and is already functional at birth.

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