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Q: Your finger went numb and turned white what is the reason?
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What are the symptoms of Vibration White Finger?

"Vibration White Finger is nothing to fool around with and you should see your doctor immediately. Some of the symptoms to watch for are your fingernail, and rest of your finger from the last knuckle down turning white and going numb."

What syndrome is 'vibration white finger' generally associated with?

Vibration white finger is a work injury in that one's hand or fingers become white, numb, and one loses finger mobility. It is caused by the fingers and hands vibrating too much as with using a jackhammer.

You hit your finger with a hammer and finger goes numb why is it numb- at least for short period of time?

Probably due to damage of the nerve cells in your finger.

What if your index finger is turning blue and very numb what is wrong?

go to the doctor. the bloods not flowing to you finger.

Can archery cause numb fingers?

If you shoot without a finger tab, yes.

What causes only one finger to numb?

Some doctors use special injections to numb certain areas but I dont know there exact name

Had a local in the index finger 12 hours ago and is still numb?

It goes on the index finger because the index finger is the only finger that has a tendon connected to the heartThere is no scientific name for the width of the index finger

Why does my finger tip go numb all a sudden randomly?

It's a vague question to answer. There are nerves located in your fingers. These nerves stimulate impulses to your brain warning the body of the stimuli it is reacting with (ie. a foreign texture, hot/cold material, general pain). If your finger is not sending impulses (becoming numb) you might have damaged the finger during some type of activity resulting in nerve loss. However, other facts can attribute to numbness in the finger. You would have to be more direct on when the finger goes numb and for how long.

My finger tip turns white and numb when my hand gets cold. What causes that?

Raynaud's syndrome can cause this. It is strongly advised that you see a doctor/research online as well, as this can be remedied with simple applications but may also be indicative of a more serious condition (autoimmune).

What is a white skin discoloration on lips why would it feel numb also?

The white skin discoloration on the lips could be a symptom of the celiac disease. Patients suffering from the celiac disease usually feel numb because it kills the cells.

Had neck surgery two years ago and now your right hand is going numb what causes that?

When my left hand started going numb I went to the doctor and she told me I had carpal tunnel. The thing about it was that my whole hand wasn't going numb it was just my first four fingers and I didn't feel any numbness in my pinkie finger.

Your fingers tingle and feel numb and white blisters apper after washing what is this?

diluted hydrogen peroxide