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what kind of acne cream where you using? because i have way too much facial hair and i would love them to disapear and never come back

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Q: Your facial hair got bleached and then disappeared while using anti acne cream. Is there any way to regrow them esp mustache?
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Probably the most direct way to remove a tobacco stain from a mustache would be to cut off the hair, stop using tobacco, and regrow the mustache. An alternative would be to stop using tobacco and let the stained hair grow out, trimming as appropriate. Eventually there will be no stain left.

I'm 19 now and just a few hairs grow on my face. I'm a male of course. When will I be able to grow a proper beard?

When I was your age I had no facial hair at all. I was almost 25 before I could grow a mustache and when I began growing a beard and sideburns a few years later they were extremely scraggly. I am now in my 50s and the beard and sideburns are still scraggly. I have not shaved in over 15 years as it always takes "forever" to regrow.

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Yes, lobsters can regrow lost limbs through a process called regeneration. When a lobster loses a limb, it can regenerate a new one over several molts. The lost limb typically grows back smaller than the original.

Can you regrow a carnation?

some carnations are perennial and will regrow.

How to regrow hair?

Buy a regrow hair gel

If an octopus loses its arm will it regrow anther arm?

Yes. It can regrow another arm. But the severed arm will not regrow into another octopus.

Will branches regrow on a weeping willow that has been pruned.?

Yes the branches will regrow.

Does balayam regrow hair?

No idea, try it and find out if Balayam can regrow hair.

Can you give me a sentence for regrow?

If you trim the plant, it will eventually regrow new leaves.

Is it possible to regrow human teeth?

No, it is not possible to regrow the human teeth but a replacement is possible.

Do you know how to regrow hair?

There are many combinations of vitamins and hair treatments that can help you regrow hair. You can try Rogaine for starters. You can find information at

Do corn snakes tail regrow?

No snakes don't regrow their tails, that's a lizard thing.