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You will need to reflash the bios

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Q: Your computer BIOS is infected and it doesn't format. what can you do?
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How do you format computer BIOS?

We can't format is permanent program.we can flash the bios by upgrading bios update....By ---Rajesh Arthimalla.

How do you set a password for laptop?

Either set on under your Windows login - or in the BIOS system. WARNING - if you forget the password set in the BIOS you will have to re-format your whole computer !

Whenever you try to format your harddisk there is a blue screen with partmgr.sys problem how can it be reformatted?

One solution would be to do a low level harddrive format via the BIOS. The BIOS screen is accessible during POST. Check the documentation of your computer to determine the key to press when the computer is powered up. DW

Can a virus infect the BIOS of a computer?

yes - If the BIOS of your computer is infected then, since it is hard-coded (firmware) on a chip, you could have irreparable damage. Also most anti-virus programs work within your operating system (Windows or MacO/S) so they don't detect BIOS infections. The only way to repair your BIOS is, if it can be, to Flashit. This is the process used to update the firmware on your BIOS chip. Check your computer or motherboard manufacturer to obtain the flash application, and the instructions for running it. Flashing the BIOS should place a new, uninfected version of firmware on the chip.

What do you do if your computer has a virus that won't allow you to access the internet or quarantine infected files?

If the Virus is that destructive, you have a few options. If the computer is old, you could just go get a new one. If you have a backed up copy of all your important documents, you could format the Hard drive and reinstall windows. If that is not an option. You can download a burn a live CD that has antivirus on it. just Google "Antivirus Live CD's" download and burn the CD, set your BIOS on the infected computer to boot from a CD, and then run the CD

Where can i find my computer's original bios file?

In your computer BIOS-chip or in the manufature website.

How do you format c drive from bios?

The BIOS does not contain code to allow a drive to be formatted. To do that you must load an operating system over the BIOS.

What is the BIOS boot order on computer?

its what tell the computer what to boot first, it can be anything choosen by the bios, if you go into the bios you can change the boot order.

How to delete partipations on Dell bios A09 then make low level format and make new partipations?

You can not delete partitions from BIOS. Boot from the operating system CD by pressing F12 as soon as it is powerd on and boot from cd/DVD. If you are talking about Flashing the BIOS then you can go to the dell website and download the BIOS for the computer and FLASH it from the operating system

Is formatting a laptop possible if bios is password protected?

This depends on the kind of BIOS protection, and the other BIOS settings. The BIOS is not actually on the harddrive, so this is potentially possible. If the BIOS is only protected from changes to it's settings, then you can try booting to removable media (CD, DVD, Flashdrive, etc.) which has the option to format a drive, and format it from there. OS install disks usually have this option, as well as boot disks like UBCD and Bart PE. If the BIOS is protecting the system from booting up, then you will probably need to remove the harddrive and plug it into another computer to complete this task. There should be no password prompt once it is in the other computer. IF the BIOS protection is locking the actual harddrive, then you will probably need to clear the password first. If you do not know the password, then you will need to try to break in (assuming is is actually your computer). This can be difficult, but there are programs which can make it easier. One such program is on the UBCD.

Who made the bios?

It is not known who invented the BIOS of a computer however Gary Kildall is credited with creating the term BIOS in 1975. The BIOS is the first application that loads when the computer is booted up.

Specific part of computer that holds bios?

The Bios is written in the motherboard