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Could be many things could be the food could be a desiease u need to take it to your local vet they will tell u U stuck it in too far

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Q: Your cat is 7 months and has been throwing up for 2 days what could be wrong?
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Your doctor will tell you when you see him or her tomorrow.

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Could be something she ate, constant vomit? Is she acting sick, not herself? could also be pancreatits. Take your dog to the vet to make sure it's okay and nothing serious.

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It definitely sounds like something is wrong with you or the baby. Go to the hospital.

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Your vet can easily test for Parvo in 10 minutes. I would demand a test immediately.

I'm not pregnant but my period has stopped What could be wrong?

But seriously: Are you sure you are not pregnant? Tests can be wrong. How long have you been without your periods - days or months? Best to get personal medical advice (visit doctor or clinic) just to see how your body is working.