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A BP of 78/35 is very bad as your heart is not getting oxygen to the brain and other tissues.

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Q: Your blood pressure is very low 7835 is this dangerous?
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Can people faint from high blood pressure?

Yes , people CAN faint from high blood pressure as it is very dangerous.

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What do patients feel with high blood pressure?

Usually a person with high blood pressure feel no symptoms. Very dangerous condition.

Bp 164 114 is it danger?

A blood pressure of 164/114 is quite high. It is not possible to say whether it is dangerous since everybody is different. If you go to the doctor and have this blood pressure, you will likely be started on a blood pressure medication because it is considered very high.

Is weight training for someone with high blood pressure dangerous?

Simply put, it can very dangerous if you do not know what you are doing! However it can also be very safe if you are aided by a personal trainer, who knows his stuff! Upon joining a gym, your blood pressure will be taken, and if it is high, you will be sent to get a clearance from your local GP. If he gives the all clear for resistance training, the trainer will write you a specific program that will allow you to lift safely and reduce your blood pressure!

Is low blood pressure dangerous?

Low blood pressure is not necessarily dangerous and can be common in healthy individuals. However, very low blood pressure may cause symptoms like dizziness, fainting, or fatigue. Severe low blood pressure can be concerning and may require medical attention, particularly if it leads to inadequate blood flow to the body's organs.

What are the symptoms of a high blood pressure?

There are very few recognizable symptoms to high blood pressure. The symptoms usually occur when your blood pressure is so high that it is dangerous in an immediate way. You may experience difficulty breathing, headaches, pounding in your ears or blood in the urine. The only way to know for sure is regular readings done at home or by your GP.

When hydraulic system become dangerous?

The hydraulic system works is dangerous. If the holes are pressure hoses transmission oilis sprayed with high pressure and this is very dangerous.

How does blood transfusion take place?

they put a needle into the arm and force blood into you blood vessels. if the pressure is too much the arm will explode. they are very dangerous so i advise you not to have one.- Dr Mcgregor

How dangerous is a blood sugar level of 312?

Very. Very, very, very. Go to the hospital.

what can be done regarding low blood pressure?

I have very low blood pressure . I just fall asleep.

Why do you think it would be very dangerous to lose a quart of blood in an ancient?

blood is in portent