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It is not dangerous to ejaculate every day. Most 14 year old boys do it daily if not more.

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Q: Your age is 14 you sperm everyday is that dangeorous for you?
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Some guy releases sperm everyday from age of 14 is there any problem after marriage?

No guys who shed their sperm everyday are healthier as they have fresh sperm in them.

Some guy releases sperms everyday from age of 14 will there any problem after marriage?

No, sperm is re-made by the male body rather quickly and an average, healthy man with no medical reason, will never run out of sperm, nor does releasing sperm daily cause any health problems.

What age will sperm turn white?


Is it good to take out sperm in the age of 14?

just use a clean spoon...

What is the usual age to create sperm?

Average males usually become potentially fertile (produce sperm) at age 13, however aren't fully fertile until age 14-16. See link in related links.

What age you get sperm?

Boys typically start producing sperm during puberty, usually around the ages of 12-16. It can vary slightly from individual to individual.

How do you get sperm to come out of your penis if you are 11yearsold?

You can't. You haven't hit puberty yet and probably wont until age 13 or 14, but you shouldn't have any need to produce sperm at 11. also when you are at the age of 13 or 14 then whatch porn i prefer youporn and it iwll come.

What age does a boy give out sperm?

Most young men are capable of producing viable sperm between ages 12-14, sometimes earlier, sometimes later.

Can a 11 year old boy have sperm?

Yes, they can because of growth hormones everywhere these days, kids are getting a jump on puberty. Puberty is when a boy starts to produce sperm, so it can be as early as age 9 to age 14.

What age period does sperm ejaclulate?

This commonly becomes functional in early adolescence in boys, As they become sexually mature this can be possible around the age of 13 or 14, but can be earlier or later.

What age is it when you can meet your sperm donor dad?

You will get sperm at the age of maybe 13-14 but only if you look like miley cyrus taking a dump bye then if not you will have to wait untill you got a bigger butt then j-lo

How do you take out sperm easily in 14 years child's body?

You cannot "take out sperm easily" from someone's body. You did not say if the 14 year old is a male or a female. If a male, they must ejaculate to "take out" sperm. If they are female, they can try a douche, but once the sperm is inside the vagina, it swims away up the fallopian tubes and cannot be washed out.