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Not personally. One baby is hard enough but two the same sleep, no personal time.

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Q: You would like to have twins?
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If identical twins married identical twins could at least some of their kids look like twins?

Acctually, they're children would not look like twins. But all of their children would look like brothers and sisters.

Would the sprouse twins date a 13 year old?

no... it would be like illegal....

How are modern day twins different from the twins in myths and fairy tales?

Modern day twins might be different from the twins in myths and fairy tales in that modern day twins are not mystical like the twins of the myths. Modern twins would be less celebrated and have less mysticism associated with their existence.

My mom is a twin. will I have twins?

It depends on how often there have been twins in your family, it's all in your mom's good 'ol DNA. But considering that she was a twin, there are higher chances that you could have twins. Weather you would like twins or not, good luck!

What are the dimensions of a twins logo on a cap?

i don't know but i would like 2 know.

What would people say to people that have on the same thing?

you look like twins!!!!!=) -thanks for your question

What are 9 twins called?

A set of twins (2 babies) is called twins. Seven sets would still be twins. 7 babies born together (not twins) would be called septuplets.

What do you call four sets of twins?

Quintuplets quintuplets. quin = 5 i believe. like a quintet.

Does Adam Lambert go on stardoll?

No he doesn't. If he had a stardoll it would be verified like the Rosso twins or something.

What would two developing embryos that contained the same genetic code look like?

Identical twins.

What would you do if you like one of the twins and the other twin knows you like the other one but your starting to like him also?

Just stick to the first one or there will be fights.

Do twins think a like?
