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No. Lots of semen will still pass through the cervix, so you can still get pregnant.

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Q: You wipe the fluids with cloth after intercourse is that stopping you from getting pregnant?
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No, "foamy" fluid discharge after intercourse is from the mixture of fluids, which the vagina naturally discharges.

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In order for a female to become pregnant, there must be either pre-ejaculatory fluids or ejaculatory fluids that come in contact with her vagina.

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Yes. If any ejaculatory fluids came in contact with your vagina you can become pregnant.

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Yes, if the ejaculatory fluids came in contact with your vagina you can get pregnant.

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No, the only possible way for you to become pregnant is if there is an exchange with vaginal fluids and semen.

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There are no special fluids you have to take as pregnant. Vitamins maybe but that is something your doctor will give you.

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HIV can be trasmitted by sexual intercourse, unsterilized needles for things like tattoos or illegal drugs, and contact by blood. All of the above: throught bodily fluids, breast milk, sexual intercourse

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No, it means you have an infection.

My female vitch is pregnant and leaking fluids is that a sign of labor?

If your female dog is leaking fluids then she is about to give birth. The first pup should be arriving soon!