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Many women experience many different ovulation cycles. Since you were late are you implying you are sexually active? Either way, the best thing you can do right now is go speak to your doctor so he/she can evauluate your situation and adjust your BC if needed.

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Q: You were 12 days late when you finally started your period it was really heavy and you had bad cramps Now its 3 days post period and still having bad cramps?
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What type of cramps are you having when you just got off your period at least 3 days ago?

Normal period cramps

You have cramps but you don't have your period but you and your boyfriends use a condom and it didn't break or anything are you pregnant?

it is a FACT that you can get pregnant without having started your peroid.

How long before your period is due should you get cramps This is my second period coming and I started my first ever one on the 3rd march btw I'm 13.?

It depends. Sometimes you don't get cramps. Think about the last time you got your period and when the cramps started.

What does it mean when you are having cramps like you are getting ready to start your period but you haven't started yet and your also having pregnancy symptoms?

take a urine test joymaker rn

Can you be pregnant if your having cramps after period?

If you have a normal period with normal flow you are not pregnant

I havent started my period and im 2 days late but im having cramps like im about to start?

That's a statement, not a question. What are you asking?

What should you do if you are six weeks pregnant and are having period-like pains that are coming and going and you are worried since you miscarried three months ago?

having period cramps for the first 3-4 months are normal. if you are spotting or see any blood go to the doctors . i had cramps for the first 4 months until they finally went away

What is wrong with you if you keep having period cramps and no period what dose that mean?

You are pregnant silly

Is being nauseas and having cramps and enlarged breasts symptoms of a period?

The cramps and enlarged breasts are signs of period, but with nausea it is more a sign of pregnancy

Why are you having cramps weeks before your period?

This is normal. Women usually get cramps during ovulation and ovulation occurs a few weeks before your period

What if you miss your period but have period like cramps?

Make sure you are not pregnant, especially if you are having any nausea or breast tenderness. You should probably check with your doctor.

Can no cramps before your period means you are pregnant?

No, not having cramps is normal and lucky. If your haveing a normal flow you aren't pregnant.