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well the pull out method, there is still a chance because semen doesnt just come out during orgasm, its leaks out during intercourse. by pulling out all you are doing is reducing the amount of semen that will get inside. and even a very small amount is still enough for pregnancy. but the pill if used properly, may prevent it. but it has to be taken everyday to avoid any chance at getting pregnant. just follow the instructions. *** a good way to avoid pregnancy is using a condom and using the pill.***

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16y ago
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14y ago

Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 4 will become pregnant each year if they always do it correctly. Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 27 will become pregnant each year if they don't always do it correctly.

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12y ago

When using withdrawal, you can get pregnant whether you have your period or not!

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The pull out method doesn't work. You can get pregnant before, during, and after your period.

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Q: You used the pull out method during ovulation What are the chances you could be pregnant?
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Getting pregnant from the pullout method during ovulation?

Yes! It happens all the time!

If a person has sex 5 times in one night using pull out method what are the chances of getting pregnant?

The chances are that you will get pregnant as the withdrawal method is highly unreliable.

Can you get pregnant if you use the pull out method 2 days before ovulation?

ovulation is a 3days window 1 out of the 3 days your egg is released so if your using and ovulation kit and it may say your ovulating the most important part of ovulation is when the eggs are being released. Some times you ovulate and your body does not release any eggs during that period that's why you do not conceive during that cycle. That's why sometimes you may here woman say these are my fertile months need more ask me

Will a ovulation test show positive even if your pregnant?

it should show you are pregnant Hello there. A Ovulation test will ONLY come out positive when LSH....the Ovulating hormone has been found in your urine. Some women do claim to of had a positive Ovulation test during early pregnancy but this information is so inconclusive that its not a reliable pregnancy testing method at this time. To determine if you are pregnant, its adviseable to buy a pregnancy test and see your doctor for a blood test to be certain.

How 2 get pregnant quicker?

Have sex three times a week, use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor, have sex before ovulation (not after), don't rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.

Does minigynon help to enhance pregnancy?

Yes. The above mentioned tablets contains combined Estrogen and Progesterone contraceptive. If you go to your Doctor, she will give to 2 months course of these tablets to "Suppress" ovulation and on third month, there are high chances of 'Rebound' ovulation and on day 14 of menses, you have an ovulation and if sexual contact is done from day 13 to day 15, there are high chances of pregnancy. This is most inexpensive method to treat infertility.

What are the chances of being pregnant 2-3 days after sex when have used the withdrawal method?

the withdrawal method is not a terribly safe method even when it is done right as sperm can escape before orgasm.

Does geritol affect Depo-Provera?

Depo-Provera is very effective birth control method, chances of getting pregnant while using Depo is very, very small. Geritol is a brand of vitamins that will not effect your chances of getting pregnant.

You got on the shot in march of 06 and you got off it this year early in march what are the chances of you getting pregnant?

Chances are not very likely. Doctor's say that it could take 10 months or up to a year to get pregnant. It's an effective method if you are not planning to get pregnant any time soon.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you always take your pill late?

It depends how "late" - if you miss taking pills from a new packet, yes you could become pregnant.

Used pull-out method to birth control since 13 daysexpecting next periods on the 9th of April if there are chances of getting pregnant then how to prevent from getting pregnant at this stage?

It doesn't matter - you can STILL get pregnant no matter what!

When is the ovulation day of a 38 day cycle?

Ovulation typically opccurs 14 days before menstruation, thus during a 38 day cycle ovulation likely occured on day on day 24 - a woman cannot know for sure when she ovulated unless using fertility awareness method or ovulation testing kits.