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sometimes when the urine dries, you see the crystals that are supposed to react to the hcg. It doesn't mean that you're pregnant - you should just take another test. A lack of control lines means that the test was faulty. If there is even a faint line besides the control line within the time that the test says to read, though, then congrats!

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Q: You took a pregnancy test and no control line apperaed to show it worked till several hour later and the result showed positive?
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Will a pregnancy test be positive the next day after a miscarriage?

Yes and it can be for several weeks.

Can a home pregnancy test show up positive after a miscarriage?

Yes. It can take several weeks for the hCG to clear from the body. It depends what stage of pregnancy you were at.

You had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago and took a pregnancy test that said positive is that your hormones from the old pregnancy?

yes that's exactly what it is. the pregnancy hormone stays in your body for several weeks after a miscarriage.

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Several reasons and you can't look into it too much. It is recommended that you check with your doctor. Some of the reasons are that it is early in the pregnancy and the hormone is low. You are using diluted urine or possibly a chemical pregnancy (early miscarriage). These are just some of many.

If you do not ovalate does that mean your pregnant?

Not ovulating is sometimes a sign of pregnancy, but it isn't always. When a woman is just getting off of birth control, it causes lack of ovulation for several months. But, not ovulating can be a sign of pregnancy. Check with your doctor to be sure or take a home pregnancy test.

If you still have a positive pregnancy test a week after a suspected miscarriage what does this mean?

It means that there is still the presence of the pregnancy hormone (hCG). Home pregnancy tests give positive results when they detect the presence of hCG. It can take days to several weeks for a woman's hCG levels to return to baseline after a miscarriage; it all depends on how far along she was. Taking home pregnancy tests in the first few weeks after a miscarriage is not a reliable way to check for pregnancy because of all of the false negative results, due to the lingering pregnancy hormone in the woman's system.

Why was the pregnancy test negative if you are over a week late on your period and show several signs of pregnancy?

because the hcg hormone might not have spread enough to detect. you may still be pregnant! i didnt get a positive until about my 6th test on the 6th week

Has anyone had a neg blood test and then two weeks later had several positive hpt's?

It is possible that the pregnancy was not far enough along when the blood test was performed. You should have a repeat blood test done to confirm what the home pregnancy tests are indicating.

Would a pregnancy test show up positive if they told you your baby has died at six weeks gestationand is still in my womb?

Yes, it takes several weeks until the hormones settle.

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I have had three positive urine pregnancy tests and a negative blood test which is corrct?

I had the same thing happen to me. I took several home pregnancy tests that came back positive. I went to the doctor they did a blood test and it came back as negative. They sent me to hospital to do a 48 hour hormone test and determined I was miscarraging the baby. You should ask your doctor if this is hapening to you. Hope this helps.

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Several things can hold your period back. Some of the things holding back periods include pregnancy, illness, or birth control methods. You do not get a period if you are pregnant.