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No i woundlt be worried because when you start takin them pills your hormones start going all wierd which means that your body is getting used to the pills so when you start them pills your period starts alot later than usual i would not be worried, but if you do not start your period in a bout 2 weeks see a docter :)

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Q: You started taking Yaz 2 weeks before having unprotected sex 2 days after the sex you took Plan B just be be safeim 2 weeks late wtih your period should you worry about being pregnant?
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"If you have unprotected sex 11 days before you were due your period could you get pregnant" Yes. because the womb has not bled out yet, and it still open. I don't think you can get pregnant and get your period at the same time, If that happened, the baby died. and you need to see a doctor. Are you under-age? The way to tell if your pregnant, Is if you missed your period, Irregularity does not mean you are having a child.

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No. It does not act as the "Morning-After pill" When starting birth control you should wait at least a month before having unprotected intercourse.

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Yes. Active sperm do escape before the male has an orgasm. Thus, pulling out will not necessarily prevent pregnancy. Unprotected sex can also result in sexually transmitted diseases, some of which cannot be treated. Unprotected sex is a bad idea. 73 out of 100 women who have sex unprotected become pregnant.

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100% I am sorry but you are pregnant

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Yes. Believe it or not, the period is the most fertile time. You're an idiot for having unprotected sex.

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Could I be pregnant if I didn't start my pack of bc pills when i was supposed to and and waited a week and had unprotected sex 2 days before i started them again?

There is always a great risk of getting pregnant when having sexual intercourse without a proper form of protection, especially if one does not follow instructions for their birth control pill.

What are the chances of being pregnant if your having a regular period?

when a person is having unprotected sex, the chances of becoming pregnant are 100%, no matter what the regulation of periods or ovulation dates are.