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It is unlikely that you are pregnant if your period started, missing periods can be caused by reasons other than pregnancy. You go for a check up that to put your mind at rest and of course if you don't want to get pregnany practice SAFE SEX.

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Q: You skipped 2 periods and now you are having one are you pregnant?
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You are having one day periods only you thought you should be pregnant by now but you keep getting these light periods Im only 28 Am you going through early menopause?

No of course not. Menopause is when your periods stop for good. If you thought you should be pregnant then maybe all the sperm died before it came to the egg.

What if your having all the symptoms of pregnancy and have a today period with spotting could you be pregnant?

hope your not scared, but yes you could be pregnant, if you have had normal periods and now, your period was only 2 shuld get a test asap

Had periods 2 weeks ago could you be pregnant even though did ovulation test says ovulating?

Having a period two weeks ago means most likely you were not pregnant at that time. Knowing that you are now ovulating, right on schedule is another strong indication that you are not pregnant.

You had intercourse 6 days ago now you have periods are you pregnant?

If you've gotten your period afterwards, it's unlikely that you're pregnant

Im on the pill but i skipped my period on purpose and now im getting pregnancy symptoms could i be pregnant?

Quit speculating and go to the doctor first thing Monday. My question is did you try to get pregnant, and are you prepared for this if you are?

I have been having unprocted sex for 3 months now I haven't kept track of my periods until recently and I noticed that I was due to ovulate on the 20th of June I had sex on that dayam I pregnant?

Maybe, maybe not

Is it okay if you have taken your birth control but skipped periods and now they are catching up to you and you have your period?

I'm assuming your meant you were taking birth control to skip your period. How many months have you skipped your period? Your body is the ultimate doc. Let it happen and look to see if it differs from average for you.

Can a girl get pregnant after 3 periods?

You can get pregnant after your first ovulation before you even bleed yet so by now you have ovulated 3 times so yes, you could get pregnant.

You have two children and had no periods during these pregnancy you now have a small noticeable bump on your abdomen which you fill movement sometime but you have your periods could you be pregnant?

most likely not.

Which boy from mindless behavior skipped up a grade?

Princeton skipped a grade he's in the 10th now

You have missed your periods its now one month and two weeks?

If you missed your periods for a month and two weeks, contact a doctor. You could be pregnant or suffering from a medical condition.

I have been off the depo provera shot for 13 months and my periods are regular can you get pregnant now?

Yes you will have great chances of becoming pregnant now. It usually takes 3-7 days after stopping birth control to be able to become pregnant.